Why Do Feminists Hate the Right to Life?
While most people would fear challenging abortion in New York City, TFP Student Action volunteers embrace the opportunity with holy boldness.
On July 24, 2024, nineteen TFP Student Action volunteers took a stand for the unborn in midtown Manhattan. They quickly found out how much pro-abortion feminists hate the right to life.

Challenging Abortion in New York City
The pro-life volunteers had been on the road for nine consecutive days defending the unborn in Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Washington, D.C. Now they reached the Big Apple, their final stop of the pro-life tour, eager to make a difference.
Standing in front of the New York City Public Library was a perfect location to reach many souls with the truth. Radical feminist reactions ensued.
“Throw stuff at them,” urged an angry feminist pro-abort. “Someone throw something at them,” she insisted. “They are white men,” she complained vociferously, adding bizarre threats of “Kill Trump again.”
The Culture of Death Is Real
Feminists and other leftists made no qualms about their adherence to a Culture of Death. At least two people made gestures as if to shoot the TFP volunteers. Moreover, several boasted about their abortion. “I am proud of my abortion,” affirmed one feminist.
Another man bragged about how he forced his girlfriend to get three abortions. Refusing to engage with TFP volunteers in a civil conversation, he screamed, “I’ve killed 15 people. I could care less about a baby!”
“Kill the kids!” screamed someone as they passed the TFP campaign. His remark sparked a reaction from a common sense New Yorker on the street who responded to the outrageous statement with, “Baby killer! You’re a baby killer!”
Thank God, NYPD officers stood watch nearby. Whenever liberals got unruly, they told them to keep moving.

How to Make a Feminist Go Speechless
A frequent pro-abortion line used against TFP volunteers is, “You’re men,” as if men can’t defend a moral principle. One feminist stuck around long enough to discover how her overused cliché would end in embarrassed silence.
First, she claimed the pro-life position is flawed because it’s based on the Bible, and since she doesn’t believe in the Bible, she can do whatever she pleases.
TFP: “But the right to life is based on natural law. So even if you don’t believe the Bible, you’re a human person, and you share the same human nature with the unborn baby; you both have the same right to life.”
Feminist: “Why do you believe you have to bring people to your side?”
TFP: “Because society will never have peace if we are killing each other. Killing children in the womb is the worst type of murder because they are innocent. They can’t protect themselves.”
A pedestrian listening to the debate jumped in.
“You know, I couldn’t even abort my dog’s puppies. How on God’s earth can you abort a child that is God-given? The Bible says ‘I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb.” He continued, “What would have happened if they aborted Abraham Lincoln?”
Feminist: “If they would have aborted Trump, that would have been amazing.” Then, shifting again, she asked: “Why is it all men here?”
TFP: “Do you have a problem with the fact that Roe vs. Wade was decided by men?”
Feminist: Silence.
Pro-Abort Breaks Her Headphones
TFP Student Action volunteers witnessed cases of feminist rage.
Some examples:
“You are [expletive] twisted!” shouted an enraged feminist. “There’s something wrong with your brain! [Expletive] you!”
Another pro-abortion woman grabbed a TFP volunteer’s camera but was stopped by the police and escorted away.
A pro-abortion woman tried to wrench a stack of pro-life flyers away from a TFP member. A quick struggle ensued, and the volunteer was able to retain the flyers. But the brusque move, through her fault, sent her expensive Apple headphones to the ground when she tried to steal the flyers. They landed on the pavement in pieces.

Do Pro-Lifers Exist in New York?
Good Americans can be found everywhere, even in places like New York City. For instance, the TFP campaign in front of St. Patrick’s Cathedral received strong support, and the “honk against abortion” signs prompted boisterous responses in front of Rockefeller Center.
One pro-life lady was effusive, saying, “Don’t ever change your beliefs for anything. Never give up what you believe in. You’re doing God’s work.”
“I love to see men standing up for the unborn,” said another. “You are the bravest men I’ve ever seen standing up for innocent against all this hate and violence.”
Hold the Line against Evil
Authentic New Yorkers say it like it is. That upfront New York attitude was on display when a retired New York City fireman parked his car on Fifth Avenue (illegally) to encourage the young volunteers fighting for God’s innocent children. He went from volunteer to volunteer, offering cheerful support.
“Hold the line!” he said. “You’re holding the line against evil.”
What is that line? God’s truth and the moral absolute that abortion is a sin.
How do we know that the pro-life movement is strong? When a handful of volunteers calmly proclaiming the right to life causes morbid desperation among those who pretend that “abortion on demand” is a settled issue.
At its core, the culture of death is self-destructive and weak. The feminist rage only proves the point.
Therefore, it behooves those who love God to continue the noble fight and not only hold the line but push back the culture of death. For if “the Lord is with me as my helper; I shall look in triumph on my foes” (Psalms 188:7).
More updates from the road:
Gettysburg Pro-Life Honks Hit Record (PA)
Have Pro-Lifers Already Won the Abortion Battle? (WDC - with video)
TFP Pro-Life Caravan Braves Baltimore (MD)
Pro-Life Crusaders Start Four-State Tour in Pennsylvania (PA - with video)