Author: Domenick Galatolo

Domenick Galatolo's headshot

Domenick Galatolo is a full-time volunteer with the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP). Domenick is always ready and joyful to “hit the road” to defend the perennial values of Christian Civilization. In fact, he has “hit the runway” as well to help the Irish Society for Christian Civilization (ISFCC), a sister organization of the TFP, with its campaign against abortion. He loves to do apostolate with college students, and helps host university-level conferences to encourage Catholic men who want to fight the culture war. In addition, Domenick helps lead TFP Call to Chivalry Camps for Catholic boys.

His favorite quote: “Christ redeemed us not in the sweet arms of His mother but on the hard arms of the Cross, and His knight will not serve Him in any other way.” – King Saint Ferdinand III


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