Aug 13, 2024 Print this article

Gettysburg Pro-Life Honks Hit Record

Loud honks erupted in Gettysburg, Penn., on July 24, 2024. What happened next surprised the eighteen young volunteers with TFP Student Action on their latest pro-life tour.

Pro-life Record Breaker

When TFP volunteers unfurled their banners and brought out their signs in downtown Gettysburg, the cars in the traffic circle began to honk. The honking continued without reprieve for several hours.

The supportive honks were a response to the TFP banner, “Pray and Act against the Sin of Abortion,” and the signs urging drivers to “honk against abortion.”

By the end of the campaign, the honk count was up to 560, the caravan record.

“Commotion” Is Great

The combination of pro-life honks and TFP bagpipes and drums made a commotion. One resident came to investigate. After a TFP volunteer offered him a flyer, 10 Reasons to Protect the Unborn, he said, “So this is what all the commotion is about. This is great.”

Others expressed their joy, too.

-- “It’s refreshing to see so many kind young gentlemen defending life.”

-- “I like what you’re doing. We need to call it what it is: Abortion is a sin.”

-- “I came back just to greet you and thank you for coming.”

-- Young mother: “I just had a baby!”

Friendly Police Officers

In New Oxford, two police officers responded to a frivolous complaint about the TFP campaign.

One of the cops was a familiar face to some TFP Student Action volunteers. He had helped the volunteers when a student attacked them at Gettysburg College. When he heard the description on the radio call, he said to himself, “I think I know who that is.”

Meanwhile, a raging pro-abortion woman came out of her house and hysterically screamed and cursed at the courteous volunteers with their innocent signs, “Smile! You survived abortion.”

Periodically, she would return to pester the volunteers. After some time, the friendly officer remarked, “If she keeps that up, we can arrest her for disorderly conduct.”

Disturbing Pro-Abortion Attitudes

In the course of one debate, a woman made the false claim that late-term abortions only occur if the mother’s life is at risk. TFP director John Ritchie asked her, “Do you then condemn all late-term abortions that are done out of convenience?”

The woman refused to answer. Instead, she asked what the word “condemn” meant. Mr. Ritchie explained its meaning and offered synonyms such as “reject,” “oppose,” and “abhor.” She still pretended not to understand.

There was another dark comment from an abortion supporter today who said, “I killed my daughter.”

One liberal tried to silence 16-year-old Nolan, but he was ready.

  • Liberal: “Where are the women?”
  • Nolan: “My mother is at home. She wanted me to be here.”
  • Liberal: stunned silence.

Abortion advocates frequently have no shame. They are vulgar even in front of children.

A pro-abortion mom, as she drove by, cursed and showed her middle finger. Imitating his mother, a tiny boy in the vehicle made the same vulgar gesture.

Yet another family showed multi-generational hatred. Parents and children cursed. One of their sons ripped up the 10 Reasons to Protect the Unborn flyer, threw it in a trashcan, and spit on it repeatedly.

Real Men Defend Innocent Life

Abortion is a moral issue. Innocent baby girls and boys are slaughtered in the womb. And men have a moral duty to defend the innocent.

When feminists say, “Men can’t talk,” what’s the best response?

1. Did you complain when male judges legalized abortion with Roe v Wade?

2. Do you have a problem with male abortion practitioners?

Please keep all the brave volunteers in your prayers as they travel from city to city to make abortion unthinkable in this nation under God.

More updates from the road: