Jul 29, 2024 Print this article

Pro-Life Crusaders Start Four-State Tour in Pennsylvania

“Only those with social security numbers are human,” said one pro-abortion leftist.

Many other nonsensical arguments were heard as fifteen young volunteers with TFP Student Action braved the summer heat for a noble cause: a four-state pro-life crusade for the unborn. The educational tour—also known as a caravan—went to the public square with signs, banners, flyers, and bagpipes with a twofold mission: to challenge the lies of the culture of death and defend the God-given right to life.

On their first day, TFP volunteers held peaceful demonstrations in Harrisburg and Carlisle, Pennsylvania, where reactions were immediate.

Pro-Life Crusade in Harrisburg

On the steps of the Pennsylvania State Capitol building, even before the volunteers had time to raise the iconic TFP standard or unfurl their banners, a young man said with surprise: “No way, are you TFP? I am a huge fan. I admire you very much.” His younger brother also recognized the TFP and took a picture with TFP members.

A grateful Pennsylvania State Representative said, “You are getting noticed, thank you,” as he greeted each volunteer.

Another young man ran up, visibly pleased during the rosary on the capitol steps. “Would you like to pray with us?” asked a TFP volunteer. “I don’t know any prayers,” he responded, “but I greatly respect what you are doing. God bless you!”

Pro-abortion arguments are predictable. Instead of facing the reality of abortion, liberals try to justify their sinful position in favor of killing the innocent. In one such attempt, a liberal man in his 60s, pointing at the young teenagers, said, “Where were all of you when I was in foster care?” He tried to blame those who defend the right to life for the crisis in the family.

Man greets Pro-life crusaders
A pro-life man shakes hands with TFP volunteers outside the Pennsylvania capitol building

262 Pro-Life Honks

The volunteers moved to Colonial Commons, a busy shopping mall in Harrisburg. At this location, “Honk against abortion” signs were added to the mix. The support was intense: 262 honks.

One vehicle drove by twice, blaring a horn that sounded like a freight train.

Drivers constantly honked and expressed their support. “I will pray for you, young men,” said one from his car window. Another stated, “I don’t know about you, but Jesus is coming soon.” Yet another added, “Good to see you. I have seen you on this corner before.”

Pro-abort: “I love killing babies!”

The first real opposition to the campaign came late afternoon in downtown Carlisle. The location was perfect for distributing a flyer, 10 Reasons to Protect the Unborn, as many pedestrians shopped at an open farmers’ market on the sidewalk.

An unhinged liberal on a scooter screamed, “I love killing babies!” Although shocking, another pro-death individual screamed the exact phrase sometime later. Indeed, the culture of death creates a dark mentality.

Unhinged leftist loses pro-life debate
Angry pro-abort loses a debate.

Only People with Social Security are Human?

One pro-abort claimed unborn babies are not human yet.

Pro-abort: “You’re only a person if you have a social security number!”
TFP: “But science is clear: life begins at conception.”

But he clung to relativism, saying the only absolute truth is math.

TFP: “What about the reality of you standing before me? Can you be sure if you exist?”
Pro-abort: “No, I don’t know if I exist.”
TFP: “If you cannot be sure of anything, why are you debating us?”

Deflecting the question, the confused man randomly turned to a woman walking by, asked her what her tattoos meant, and then scurried off defeated.

Pro-Life Support Outweighs Pathetic Pro-abortion Response

The TFP campaign in Carlisle was well-organized and beautiful. The TFP standard fluttered in the wind, honk signs lined every corner, a bagpiper played stirring music, and three volunteers held a large banner, “Pray and Act against the Sin of Abortion.”

All efforts to counter the TFP campaign fell flat. A pro-abortion woman tried to form a counter-protest holding an unreadable sign, but nobody noticed or cared enough to join her.

One hippie countered the pro-life crusade from a park bench, playing a keyboard over a loudspeaker that made strange noises. He refused to debate. But his noise-making contrasted with the beauty of the bagpipe music.

The public noticed the difference. “That [pro-abortion] guy is a loser,” said one passerby. “You are much better. Get those pipes going.”

A pro-abortion feminist approached 16-year-old volunteer Colgan, saying, “You don’t have a say as a white man.” Colgan’s reaction was unexpected: “Wow, I’ve been upgraded from a boy to a man.”

Pro-life thumbs up
Man gives a thumbs up to Pro-life crusaders

Survivor of Planned Parenthood

The TFP sign that receives both good and bad reactions reads, “Smile! You survived abortion.” Today, an abortion survivor saw the sign and felt compelled to tell his story. “My mother walked into a Planned Parenthood before I was born,” he said. “Then she walked out, and that’s why I am standing here today.”

A couple with two children, one born and one preborn were ecstatic to see TFP volunteers. They regularly protest at a local abortion facility. They mentioned how much they appreciate TFP’s composure in the face of vulgar opposition. “The abortion advocates will never forget the polite and calm impression you give them,” they said.

On the Front Lines

Margret Sanger and Roe v. Wade are both six feet beneath the grave!” was one of the slogans TFP members cried throughout the day.

Although both are gone, the pro-life fight is far from over. The culture of death is still grasping for more victims. Thus, TFP volunteers will continue fighting on the front lines to defend the right to life.

After enduring a hot and tiring day, the young volunteers are eager to continue their crusade defending the unborn in Maryland, Washington D.C., Virginia, and New York City.

Like the crusaders of old, they look forward to the coming battles.