Aug 05, 2024 Print this article

Have Pro-Lifers Already Won the Abortion Battle?


“[Expletive] you already won!”

With those words, the pro-abortion man reacted when he saw 16 pro-life volunteers in front of the U.S. Supreme Court praying the rosary on July 19, 2024.

As part of their 10-day pro-life tour, TFP Student Action volunteers held prayerful campaigns in front of the Supreme Court and the National Mall on Constitution Avenue.

Pro-Life Catholic Joins the Crusade

After TFP volunteers attended Sunday Mass, a young man from New York City asked, “Are you TFP?”


The man – a former atheist – explained how he recently converted to the Catholic Faith and had been an avid follower of TFP Student Action’s videos for years. During the conversation outside the church, he asked if he could join the caravan for the day and was excited to experience first-hand what he had only watched as a spectator in TFP campaign videos.

The extra help was welcome.

Confronting Washington Liberals

Thousands of tourists walked the streets of Washington, D.C. Rainbow flags and pro-Palestine graffiti defaced many streets and businesses in the district.

Although some might be intimidated to stand up for the right to life in this leftist atmosphere, TFP volunteers, including those still in their teens, entered the fray with enthusiasm.

Not only did they proclaim their message, but they did so with gusto. Wearing their red capes and holding standards, banners, and signs, the TFP’s presence was impossible to ignore.

Trumpets and bagpipes added to the beauty. This type of pro-life presence causes joy among those who love moral values and also diminishes the impetus of the anti-family movement.

Do Pro-Lifers Exist in D.C.?

There is a myth that only liberals live in big cities. The TFP volunteers proved this wrong. They received substantial support in both campaigns.

For example:

TFP: “Would you like a flyer? With ten reasons against abortion?”

Passerby: “There are a lot more than just ten reasons.”

Others expressed their joy with comments such as, “You are doing God’s work,” “We are really happy to see gentlemen defending the unborn,” and “Here’s my business card. Please, please, call me.”

A high school student from Chicago told TFP Student Action director John Ritchie that he follows TFP’s YouTube page. “I’m not Catholic, but I am interested” in converting. “I heard the trumpets blocks away and thought it might be TFP.”

Cheering excitedly, a man said, “No way, it’s TFP in my city! Where are the bagpipes? No way, they have the bagpipes here too!”

Can You Be Conservative and Pro-Death?

There was an odd encounter with an elderly man wearing a MAGA t-shirt. He stopped on his bicycle and flatly rejected the pro-life leaflet, saying, “I am a MAGA Republican. But I am pro-choice. I don’t like children, I don’t have children, and I don’t want children.”

“But once you devalue the life of the unborn, you devalue all life,” responded a TFP volunteer. “That’s why we see euthanasia killing older people now – because of the pro-abortion mentality.”

The old man displayed coldness for the unborn. Abortion didn’t “directly” affect him. But euthanasia hit closer to home. “You got me there,” he said. “I am worried about that [euthanasia] because I’m getting older.”

Pro-abort: “I am fine with murder.”

A group of men and a woman paused to debate. They were blunt about their pro-abortion views.

TFP: “Do you think abortion is murder?”

Liberal: “Yes, and it’s great. I am fine with murder.”

Liberal woman: “I’m pregnant now, and I agree that it’s a human being, but if it’s in my body, I can abort it.”

Pro-Abortion Bullies

Evil breeds evil. And those who favor the slaughter of innocent children are inclined to hate all good. Thus, it does not shock TFP volunteers when they are insulted, scorned, or even attacked.

Today a pro-abortion bully approached the youngest member of the caravan, 14-year-old Thomas.

When Thomas politely offered the woman a flyer with 10 Reasons to Protect the Unborn she threatened to throw her water on him. She positioned her water bottle to douse Thomas, but he stood firm. She backed down.

Another bully took a flyer from a 16-year-old volunteer, crumbled it up, and threw it in his face.

Some liberals shout insults from their cars. One was particularly disturbing when a female shrieked, “Kill all men.”

For the most part pro-aborts refused to engage in intellectual arguments. Instead, they swore, shouted or spat.

“You already won!”

During the holy rosary in front of the Supreme Court, a furious man drove past. Cursing and giving the middle finger he shouted, “You already won!”

True, Roe v. Wade was reversed. However, has the pro-life movement already won?

Not yet. With over 60 million surgical abortions performed in America alone and the countless chemical abortions that take place daily, there is a massive spiritual and cultural battle ahead. Pro-life prayer warriors must never give up, never back down, and never let off until abortion is defeated and rendered unthinkable.

The future is not pro-abortion.

Even the cursing liberal who said, “You already won,” probably knows deep in his bones that the culture of death has no future.

Indeed, souls with Faith know the truth:

God has won!

Update from the road:

Why Do Feminists Hate the Right to Life? (NYC)

Pennsylvania: Gettysburg Pro-Life Honks Hit Record (PA)

Maryland: TFP Pro-Life Caravan Braves Baltimore (MD)

Pro-Life Crusaders Start Four-State Tour in Pennsylvania