Street Campaigns
May God protect American from socialism.
"I hope satan stomps on you! Hail satan! Hail satan!" said the female student as she yelled against TFP members campaigning in defense of God's marriage at the University of Louisville, Kentucky
The imprisonment of Kim Davis due to her refusal to issue marriage licenses for homosexual couples was the latest and most striking example of religious persecution in America.
Report from Cincinnati, Ohio
TFP promotes moral values at "Berkeley of the Midwest," sees spiritual combat first hand.
Wow. Catholics gathered at over 14,108 different locations on October 10 to pray the Rosary in public and beg God to save America. Watch the video.
Self-identified lesbian: “[bleep] the Catechism and [bleep] you! The Catholic Church is wrong! [Bleep] the Catholic Church!”
Read what happened when TFP went to Penn State University.
TFP Student Action volunteers went to Gettysburg College to promote moral values and collect petitions to Pope Francis.