Tell Gov. Landry You Support the Ten Commandments in Schools
- June 27, 2024

Why is the ACLU so upset?
Louisiana Governor Jeff Landry signed a law to restore the Ten Commandments in every public school classroom. “If you want to respect the rule of law, you’ve got to start from the original lawgiver, which was Moses,” said the Governor.
Immediately, the ACLU, along with other leftist organizations, filed a lawsuit to block God in schools. Governor Landry’s response: “I can’t wait to be sued.”
The Ten Commandments Are Beneficial in Schools
As one nation under God, America’s culture and tradition is harmonious with the Ten Commandments. However, the left would like to ban God entirely from the classroom. They refuse to honor God’s law yet insist that children accept Drag Queen Story Hours, immoral books, After School Satan Clubs, and sinful rainbow pride propaganda.
Nothing but good can come from the Ten Commandments in schools. It may help to avert future school shootings. More than ever, our schools need God, order, and virtue.
Please Thank Governor Landry for His Excellent Initiative
- Sign your “THANK YOU” today.
- Stand up for God’s Law.
- Restore moral values in school.
You can also send a personal message of appreciation to:
Governor Jeff Landry
Office of the Governor
PO Box 94004
Baton Rouge, LA 70804