What it is Like to Defend Marriage on Campus in the Deep South
Young TFP Student Action volunteers witnessed lewd behavior, cursing, screaming, and other cases of rainbow rage at Auburn University in Alabama. What caused so much intolerant anger? Truth: The truth peacefully articulated during a peaceful campaign on April 13 when TFP volunteers united with local university students to stand up for traditional marriage between one man and one woman.
An Ongoing Battle
This battle for moral values began weeks before when an Auburn student contacted TFP Student Action about doing more on campus. TFP supplied him with a banner that reads, “Pray and Act Against the Sin of Abortion.” Using the banner, he held a campaign with 22 students for almost 7 hours. Afterward, he received backlash on social media and in his classes but remained firm in his resolution to fight for the truth.
Later, TFP Student Action decided to join the fray by coming to campus and supporting these embattled students facing the “woke” culture.
Moral Values are Alabama Values
Most passersby were in favor of true marriage. Big smiles and blaring horns from big trucks responded to the “Honk for Traditional Marriage” signs. Other students joined the campaign, held signs, and passed out flyers, 10 Reasons Why Homosexual "Marriage" Is Harmful and Must Be Opposed.
Simon, a local high school student, joined for the entire duration of the campaign. “I watch your videos. I have wanted to do this for a long time and am happy to finally be able to do so,” he said.
One student even bought the volunteers lemonade and water.
Responding to the TFP slogan, “Moral values are Alabama values,” a student in his Southern drawl agreed: “Y’all got that right. Those are Alabama values.”
2 + 2 Will Always Equal 4
A group of female students suddenly crowded around, shrieking out insults and disapproval of traditional marriage. One told TFP volunteer Rex Teodosio that their professor ended class early so that they could come out and debate against God’s marriage.
“Homosexuality doesn’t affect you,” one shouted. A TFP volunteer responded, “The Equality Act, Drag Queen Story Hour, and other actions of the homosexual agenda do affect us and all society.”
“There is no absolute truth,” another pro-homosexual advocate claimed. TFP volunteer Joseph Meyers responded, “2 + 2 will never equal 5. It will always equal 4. Your statement is cannibalistic (self-defeating) because it affirms that the only absolute truth is that there is no absolute truth, and that is insanity.”
A Leftist passerby said, “You probably want to be crusaders.” Although meant to be an insult, the comment had the opposite effect. Since TFP volunteers admire the crusader saints, they heartily agreed and accepted the comment as a compliment.
After being soundly beaten in the debate, the pro-sodomy advocates moved to the sidelines with rainbow flags, where they continued to hurl insults and shout obscenities.
Hatred of the Rosary
To counter the unpleasant display, the TFP volunteers prayed the Holy Rosary. Once the pro-sodomites realized what was happening, they became angrier. They came out from the sidelines and pranced and waved their rainbow flags in front of the volunteers. Two of them shamelessly acted in a lewd manner for everyone to see. A few mocked the rosary and chanted the Hail Mary and Our Father in a disrespectful and blasphemous way. The pro-family volunteers prayed with greater strength and conviction against this intolerance.
The Fight Continues
To end the campaign, TFP volunteers and their local friends marched off to the sounds of bagpipes and drums. Pro-homosexual advocates trailed behind and heckled. But many onlookers cheered for the pro-family advocates, including a group of construction workers.
Students on campus were enthusiastic since they realized they are not alone in the fight for moral values. Many expressed relief and renewed conviction to continue fighting. After TFP departed, a brave young man continued the vigil, calmly standing amid the rainbow mob – alone -- with his cowboy hat and a large American Flag.
As the “cancel culture” continues to rage, Americans must stand up and not lose hope because if God is for us, who can be against us?