“[She] told me I have to cut down the middle of the face”.
The worldwide petition surpassed 500,000 signatures, including those of 5 cardinals, 117 bishops and hundreds of prominent civil leaders.
Held at the historic Durward’s Glen Retreat Center in the Baraboo Hills of Wisconsin from August 12-15, the camp hosted 22 boys and 5 fathers from Wisconsin, Illinois, Minnesota, Michigan, Ohio, and Kentucky.
Hundreds of dignitaries have signed the Filial Appeal to His Holiness Pope Francis on the Future of the Family. Every pro-family person should sign this vital petition here before the upcoming Synod in Rome.
“The final battle between the Lord and the reign of Satan will be about marriage and the family!” -- Sister Lucia to Cardinal Caffara.
"Y'all are going to get this intersection real loud!" said two fellows who saw us take the signs and banners out of the van. They were right.
The famous battle for the Alamo revolved around the mission Church of San Antonio de Valero. The historic building still stands and is the most visited place in Texas, a perfect location to hold a TFP campaign for marriage and collect pro-family petitions to Pope Francis ahead of the upcoming Synod on the Family.
Austin is known to be liberal. So, when the volunteers of the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property (TFP) arrived at the intersection of Guadalupe and West 24th Street at the University of Texas, Austin, they were prepared for a strong show of opposition.
The afternoon sun beat down relentlessly on the busy intersection. Above the din of car horns and semi-truck engines, the sound of bagpipes and singing drifted on the breeze. A group of 17 young men, gathered under an American flag, held signs which stated, "God's Marriage = 1 man + 1 woman."
TFP-Louisiana and America Needs Fatima held its usual end-of-the-month Public Square Rosary in Lafayette. Gathering peacefully each month for nearly six years to pray for the families of Acadiana, for Louisiana and the Nation, this month’s public Rosary was especially poignant because of the horrific shootings at the Grand Cinema last Thursday.