News - Abortion
News Release: Catholic Campus Featuring Planned Parenthood Sparks Protest
You can't be Catholic and pro-abortion.
Saint Mary’s College Pulls Pro-Abortion Links. Your Petition Worked.
TFP petition scores victory.
Petition Victory: Edgewood College Removes Planned Parenthood as a 'Wellness Resource'
Catholic college pulls pro-abortion link after 15,000 protests.
News Release: Pro-Abortion Students Attack Peaceful Pro-Lifers at GWU (Video)
Only pro-abortion "free speech" is accepted on campus.
Victory: Georgetown University Deletes Pro-Abortion Web Page After TFP Protest
Your voice made a difference.
Fordham University Features Planned Parenthood as "Job Opportunity"
What would St. Ignatius of Loyola say?
Baltimore Catholics Protest Abortion on Good Friday
Praying to stop abortion at Planned Parenthood.