"You're awesome!" two young women yelled from their car. They were driving in the center lane of a three lane intersection and had "front seats" to observe the TFP's traditional marriage campaign in Dallas, Texas.
The show of support for true marriage is overwhelming in Texas and the South in general. Since the Roe v. Wade decision in 1973, the American public has been opposing abortion. Every hundreds of thousands march for life all over the nation. Now, we are witnessing a similar attitude towards Obergefell vs. Hodges on the streets of Texas.
Today, TFP volunteers campaigned near the Cajun Dome at Congress and Bertrand, one of the busiest intersections in Lafayette, Louisiana. Once again the support witnessed for traditional marriage was really splendid.
Shocking: Sweet Cakes by Melissa gets fined $135,000 for supporting God's marriage -- now the state issues gag order.
Professor Hornbeck uses his privileged teaching perch to actively undermine Church teaching.
Alert: To appease the new dictatorship of political correctness, the statue celebrating Fr. De Smet's heroic missionary zeal for the Indians was removed from the very Catholic campus where he once served as dean, treasurer and professor in 1829.
The Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at the Catholic University of St. Thomas is defending a pro-abortion internship with the National Organization for Women (NOW-Minnesota).
Bishop Ricken explains why radical pro-abortion activist, Gloria Steinem, should not speak at St. Norbert College. But will the Catholic college respect the wishes of their bishop.
"Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle..." The familiar prayer was on the lips of faithful Catholics across America for the battle heating up in the heart of the country.
Oklahoma City, OK -- Sept. 18, 2014: A total of 215,000 people have signed various petitions urging the Civic Center Music Hall located in Oklahoma City to cancel the satanic black mass scheduled on Sept. 21.