Street Campaigns

Young TFP Volunteers Start Multi-State Prayer Tour

"We literally felt like we were in the jaws of the enemy, a good place to win souls."

Rosary Prayer Tour Reaches Arkansas and Oklahoma

"The clear majority of drivers were very supportive."

Policeman Tears Up Seeing So Much Support at TFP Prayer Rally

"... a police officer started weeping after seeing the tremendous outpouring of support."

Voice of the Unborn in Boston

About 75 motivated pro-lifers, young and old, assembled nearby. The rosary was recited aloud in reparation for the sin of abortion. Hymns were sung. And TFP bagpipers played Amazing Grace in memory of the countless innocent lives lost to the culture of death. A variety of homemade “Defund Planned Parenthood” signs were most visible. The prayers and the music unnerved some of the pro-aborts.

Tour for Traditional Marriage Reaches Syracuse

After campaigning for traditional marriage in Binghamton, we moved north to Syracuse, our next destination. The honking and support ratio at the intersections was good, but middle-of-the-road indifference was noticeable as well, while those who oppose God’s law were brazen, vocal and vulgar.

Defending real marriage in the Twin Cities

Today we started the first campaign in Bloomington next to the mall. The intersection had three lanes of traffic and the usual honks in support of true marriage sounded immediately. A telephone worker passed and said: “Thank you, but I don't need your flier. I know why homosexual unions are wrong.”

March for Life 2016: Fighting Abortion and Praying for America's Prodigal Son Moment

This past Friday, in spite of travel warnings and transport cancellations in reaction to Winter Storm Jonas, some 50,000 pro-lifers descended on Washington, D.C. for the annual March for Life, the largest annual pro-life demonstration in the nation.

Rally Against Socialism at the University of Delaware

May God protect American from socialism.

Students Invoke Satan Against TFP

"I hope satan stomps on you! Hail satan! Hail satan!" said the female student as she yelled against TFP members campaigning in defense of God's marriage at the University of Louisville, Kentucky

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