March for Life 2016: Fighting Abortion and Praying for America's Prodigal Son Moment
This past Friday, in spite of travel warnings and transport cancellations in reaction to Winter Storm Jonas, some 50,000 pro-lifers descended on Washington, D.C. for the annual March for Life, the largest annual pro-life demonstration in the nation. Among the marchers was a large delegation of TFP volunteers, supporters and friends.
The march -- which began around 1:00 PM -- was preceded by a group of headline speakers which included New Jersey Congressman Chris Smith and retired professional football player Matt Birk, who defends the unborn, true marriage and family values.
“Snowmageddon” Begins
Shortly after the marchers moved from the rally grounds to Constitution Avenue, the snow began to fall. Rather than discourage those present as liberal media outlets predicted, the snow actually served to uplift the spirit of the pro-life marchers.
Looking up at the snow and the red TFP standards billowing in the wind, one TFP volunteer exclaimed, “I only have one word for this: epic.”
Marchers Encouraged by TFP Presence
Many people recognized the presence of the TFP from previous marches for life and other pro-family campaigns. Several America Needs Fatima members who lead Public Square Rosary Rallies thanked the TFP for coming.
Two university students approached: “Are you with TFP Student Action?”
“Yes sir, I am.”
“We watch all of your videos; they’re great. Thank you for what you do.”
The youthful marchers appreciated the TFP marching band with its bagpipes, drums and brass, which played Catholic hymns and patriotic marches. TFP members in ceremonial habit carried a statue of Our Lady of Fatima. As the statue processed to the U.S. Supreme Court, onlookers showed their reverence by removing their hats and bowing their heads in prayer.
Also present were delegations of foreign organizations associated with the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) from The Netherlands, France, Italy, and the Philippines.
One young man in the Dutch delegation was hopeful about the event. “Incredible. I have never seen anything like this before. We have nothing like this march, like this group in my country. It gives me hope.”
America's Prodigal Son Moment
Without a deeper culture shift, the abortion mindset will continue to gnaw at the moral foundations of our beloved nation. As the TFP flier distributed during the march put it, we must especially focus on "restoring that vital core of values and principles that are incessantly attacked by our culture. We must play an active part in the restoration of this core lest it be lost.”
"Let us therefore remember that our pro-life efforts need a framework of order that gives them support. The unborn child needs a bulwark of order as a defense against a hostile culture. Once born, the child needs order, which is the first need of the soul. We need a social order since without this order there can be no freedom, justice, law or virtue."
"When disorder rules, all can be justified in the name of an unbridled license to do whatever one wants. Every restraint is thrown off and a culture of death becomes possible. Our goal must not only be an offensive against this culture of death, but also a return to order. We need to go back to that vital core. With the help of God, such a return is not only necessary but possible. Let us redouble our efforts and pray so that we, like the prodigal son, may soon return to the Father’s house."