Oct 12, 2016 Print this article

Unusual Support for the Police Witnessed

Building on a wave of prayer and public support for our police officers that began last summer, TFP Student Action volunteers have taken to the streets in a series of campaigns of support for America’s brave law enforcement community.

“In a time when our police force is subject to constant hostilities, we believe that it is important for us to take a stand for those who put their lives on the line for us every day,” says TFP Student Action Director John Ritchie.

One of the first cities reached by the new campaign was historic downtown Gettysburg. The response was animated. Patriotic Americans driving by honked their horns with gusto to support the police. According to Robert Nunez, one of the TFP volunteers present, “I heard so many honks that I lost count.”

Downtown Baltimore

Inspired by the incredible support received, the group decided to do the same campaign in the middle of Baltimore, Maryland, the following week. Just one year ago, the city was the center of massive riots inspired by anti-police sentiment. Our rally was held a few blocks away from the epicenter of last year's rioting and unrest. Despite this fact, the TFP campaign was incredibly well received. Several people stopped by and even decided to join the demonstration.

One man who was riding his bike stopped and told two of the volunteers, “Look, I’m a Vietnam veteran and my son is a police officer. More people need to be doing stuff like this.”

More Support in Harrisburg and Camp Hill

TFP Student Action brought their campaign to the heart of Pennsylvania: Harrisburg and Camp Hill.

It was obvious that the recent attacks were on the minds of those who saw the campaign. Amid the honks, one man parked his car and approached, shaking the hands of each TFP member. “I have to send a picture of this to my wife,” he said before taking a photo with his cell phone.

A policeman pulled up at the stop light and said: “I heard about you on the police radio. Good work, boys.”

A Message of Hope

Even though our nation is engulfed in a severe crisis, the liberal media often exaggerates and distorts reality to favor more confusion and chaos. These campaigns for the police, however, prove that men of good will are still a majority in our country. The fact that these demonstrations receive so much support, particularly from young people, is a beacon of hope and a barrier to anarchy.

We invite all those who love order and America to join us in prayer as we continue our effort to raise public support for those brave few who make up that thin blue line which separates us from the malcontents who would do us harm.

God bless America. God bless our police.