How I Got Spray-Painted for Opposing Abortion
My name is Nathan, and I was one of a dozen pro-life volunteers with the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) that went to Johns Hopkins University (JHU) on November 4 to campaign in favor of protecting innocent children from procured abortion.
TFP volunteers and I stood near the East Gate in front of the university on North Charles Street, handing out pro-life flyers and urging drivers to honk their horns in support.
Being that JHU is a prestigious medical school, I was expecting many students to be pro-life with those who were pro-abortion providing sound arguments on why they disagree. I got the former, but I did not get the latter.
Things Were Calm... At First
Early on, many students came by to thank us for our pro-life campaign, with some taking pictures with me as I held a sign that said, “Smile! You Survived Abortion.” However, several abortion advocates shouted obscene and vulgar things better left unmentioned.
I gave out 10 Reasons to Protect the Unborn flyers like hotcakes. But one fellow took my flyer, ripped it to pieces, and aggressively shoved it in my friend’s coat pocket.
Fearing for my friend’s safety, I got between the aggressor and my friend and told him, “Please leave.” He obliged, but only after screaming.
“Wow! That got heated,” I thought. I asked my friend if he was okay and he replied that he was.

Abortion Vandal Attacks Pro-Life Catholics
After this brief altercation, I heard someone shout “Aggressor!” behind me. I turned around and saw a woman spray-painting my friends’ signs.
As I approached to calm the abortionist down, she turned to my friend, Domenick, preparing to spray him in the face. Fortunately, she wasn't able to spray him and I eventually snuck the paint can from her hand and called the police.
When the woman lost the spray paint, I thought it was over. But to my surprise, she continued psychotically screaming and even tore down one of our banners as I was on the phone with the 911 operator.
I got closer to give the police a better description of her, and she turned her pro-abortion rage on me for a second time, rudely screaming into my phone.
Campus police arrived and pulled the woman away from us. Baltimore City Police arrived shortly after and asked us if anyone got sprayed. I pointed to my friends on the banner, Gregory and Ross, as they both had spray paint on their hands and the signs that they were holding.
My other friend, Miguel, also had spray paint on his hands but pointed to my jacket and said, “Mr. Nathan, you got hit too!” I looked to see and sure enough, my tan blazer had a streak of black spray paint. “Ah, I liked this blazer,” I thought. “Oh well, it’s a small sacrifice to help end abortion.”
Once the police handled the situation, we ended the campaign triumphantly chanting “Tradition, Family, Property!” thrice, followed by “America!” and marched off singing “God Bless America.”
The antagonistic leftist had destroyed two pro-life signs, a banner, and a couple of suits. Still, she didn’t destroy the campaign because more students came to either apologize or thank us for taking a stand against the culture of death. Neither violence nor spray paint will stop TFP Student Action and its pro-life crusade.
Pray for us as we continue the good fight for a moral America!