Why Is Tradition Important in the Modern World?
America is full of tradition.
The handshake is a tradition; greetings such as ‘hello’ and ‘goodbye’ are traditions. The practice of religion is tradition. Liberals decry tradition as something backward and old-fashioned that impedes progress in the modern world. But is this the case?
Tradition is not only important in the modern world but essential as it enlivens our culture, provides vigor for society, and promotes true progress.
True and False Tradition
Many people use the word tradition to describe anything from the Aztecs practicing human sacrifice to the coronation of the King of England. However, this is a mistake.
Tradition comes from the Latin word tradere, which means to hand down. Thus, tradition can be accurately defined as a belief, habit, custom, or behavior passed down from generation to generation. Traditions, therefore, provide that human link between the past and the future.
True tradition, like virtue, should be something good or beneficial. It does not make sense to hand down evil or sinful things.
For example, a father handing down his bad spending habits to his son must be called a vice, not a tradition. The changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery is an authentic tradition that reminds Americans of the soldiers who went to war and never came back. This tradition should be protected and built upon through the generations.

Examples of Tradition in the Modern World
Many beautiful traditions are still practiced today, from everyday interactions to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
In America, holidays are occasions for beautiful traditions that unite families, communities, and the nation. Parents commonly hand down Christmas ornaments to their children to use for decorating their Christmas trees.
At Thanksgiving, families get together to share a meal with lively conversations and traditional family customs and recipes. Every Fourth of July brings annual firework shows that enliven the patriotic spirit of Americans.
Manners, greetings, and protocols are traditional ways to show cordiality toward neighbors. To celebrate a personal achievement or milestone, offering a toast to remember the event is a common tradition. These simple interactions bring joy to this valley of tears and unite and harmonize society.
Traditions help define regions. Southern hospitality, for example, is an unwritten way of expressing generosity and courtesy for those who live in the American South. Those who live in the Midwest have different ways of expression formed by traditions.
Thus, tradition defines culture and provides beautiful yet harmonious regional contrasts inside the nation.

Today’s Most Important Traditions
While firework displays and decorating Christmas trees are beautiful examples of tradition, they are not the most important. The most critical traditions highlight the vital institutions of society and thus provide national unity.
One such institution is the Catholic religion, which is full of traditions that convey meaning and purpose to life. The traditional liturgy, for example, directs souls toward God, the final end of humanity. The official celebrations of the Church, such as Christmas and Easter, bring people closer to God and make them desirous of heaven.
Since there is no greater goal than obtaining heaven, religion is the most significant tradition to pass down.
The nation is another vital institution supported by tradition. The belief that America is one nation under God is fundamental to the American spirit and has been a guiding principle throughout its history.
Tradition also sustains the family. It holds that marriage is between one man and one woman who form a home with customs and mannerisms that make each family unique.
The natural law tradition also holds that good must be done and evil must be avoided. This belief is the foundation of a legal system that expresses legal traditions that allow societies to prosper.
However, society rapidly crumbles when traditions are cast aside (as they are now). It is our responsibility to preserve and uphold these traditions, for they are the golden threads that hold society together.

Why Does Tradition Matter?
Leftists and liberals may superficially accept some customs and holidays that cater to their passions. However, they cannot tolerate traditional beliefs, morals, and customs that restrict them from doing whatever they want.
The liberal philosophy turns religion into a private affair and thus becomes upset when religious traditions, like the motto In God We Trust, affirm the belief in God, Who must be obeyed and adored.
Thus, liberals are now taking their beliefs to extremes by calling for the removal of religious monuments from the public square. Others propose anti-American indoctrination and the removal of God from classrooms.
Nevertheless, tradition matters. Yet never has there been a time in history when tradition was so besieged as now.
Without tradition, society loses unity and becomes doomed to collapse. As Sacred Scripture says, “And if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand” (Mark 3: 24-25).
True progress comes from handing down those wholesome things that foster the love of God, country, and family. Over generations, people can learn from mistakes and perfect their qualities to build an enduring and marvelous civilization like Christendom.
Without tradition, there is no progress but only the descent into neo-barbarism and chaos.