Media - Videos - Anti-blasphemy

Satanists Install Devil Figure Next to Baby Jesus at Illinois State Capitol, but Catholics React

TFP volunteers organized a protest against the satanic display that attacks Christmas.

Why He Pushed 5 Pachamama Idols Into the Tiber (Exclusive Video)

Young Austrian Catholic fights for the One True God.

Catholics Rally Against Satanic Black Mass

You'll want to see this video about the rally of reparation held in Oklahoma City against the satanic Black Mass.

Peaceful Man Gets Attacked Near Luciferian "Church" (video)

"... as soon as I turned around I got punched directly in the face."

Video: Battle Against Lucifer in Texas

To the dismay of local residents the once quiet town of Old Town Spring in Texas has become a center of controversy as the “Greater Church of Lucifer” opened its doors on All Saints Day.

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