Oct 02, 2022 Print this article

Young Catholics Oppose Blatant Satanism in Pennsylvania School

Satanism should be nowhere near children.

On September 24, 2022, members of TFP Student Action, boys of the St. Louis de Montfort Academy, and local Catholics protested a “back-to-school” event hosted by the Satanic Temple at Northern York High School in Dillsburg, Pennsylvania. In all there were about 70 protesters.

The satanic event was part of the Satanic Temple’s After School Satan Club program.

Make Schools Satan-Free Zones

The peaceful protesters, led by TFP Student Action, displayed signs and banners that read:

  • “Make every school a Satan-free zone”
  • “Satan has no rights!”
  • “Stop satanism in this school”

“Schools rightly discriminate against drugs and make ‘drug-free zones’ because drugs harm children,” said John Ritchie, head of TFP Student Action. “Likewise, all school districts should make schools Satan-free zones because satanism is worse than drugs and only harms innocent children.”

Catholic Boys Oppose Satanism

Boys of the St. Louis de Montfort Academy enthusiastically showed their opposition to satanism. They held signs, “Honk against Satan,” “Satanism destroys innocence,” and “Satan is the eternal loser.” They played Catholic hymns with their bagpipe, brass, and drum band.

“It was a pleasure to see their youthful enthusiasm to fight against evil,” said TFP volunteer Matthew Shibler.

The protesters prayed three mysteries of the rosary in reparation for the horrific event. Interspersed between rosaries, the band played religious and patriotic music and the students proclaimed slogans. These slogans demonstrated how the fight against satanism is on the supernatural level. Some of these included:

  • “Together with St. Michael, we cry: Quis ut Deus! Who is like unto God?”
  • “America is one nation under God – one nation under God.”
  • “Satan has no rights! Shame, shame, shame! Reparation, reparation, reparation!”
  • “O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee, and crush the head of the wicked serpent!”
  • “Down with the father of lies, a murderer from the beginning” (John 8:44).

Cult of Ugliness

Because Satan hates all that is good, he despises beauty and loves ugliness. Thus, satanists are connatural with everything ugly and hideous. Many of those who entered the school for the satanic event were dressed in revolting ways, mostly in black.

A heavily tattooed satanist man approached, dressed in black, escorting a woman in a black dress and a wide brimmed witch-like hat with a veil covering her whole head so that no one could see her face. The two macabre looking satanists glared at the prayerful protesters, flashed a satan symbol, and departed.

According to the York Dispatch, inside the school, children were able to hold animal skulls, handle snakes and play on the Theremin, a device used to make eerie music popular in horror films.

News reports showed that children as young as 2 years old attended the satanic event.

Ongoing Battle

The opposition to The Satanic Temple’s attempt to bring Satan into Northern York County School District started back in April of 2022. At that time, a proposal to start an After School Satan Club was defeated by the school board because of the large outcry against it.

Over 37,000 Oppose Satanic Event

However, the same school board approved the “back-to-school” satanic event in an August 2022 board meeting. When the terrible news broke, TFP Student Action and Return to Order websites, hosted petitions to stop the event.

TFP Student Action’s petition garnered 14,202 signatures and Return to Order 22,874, bringing the total to 37,076 protests.

A few days before the Sept. 24 satanic event took place, members of TFP Student Action personally delivered both petitions to Steve Kirkpatrick, Superintendent of Northern York County School District, to whom the petitions were addressed. Unfortunately, he did not cancel the satanic event.

Kick Satan Out

Satan has no place in schools or anywhere else outside of Hell. There can be no compromise with Satan. It is a lie to claim that satanists have a right to hold events in schools. Evil has no rights. Just as schools should not allow a neo-Nazi event or a pro-drug use event, so also should they reject satanic events.

“We are here to say that America is one nation under God,” said Ritchie. “We don’t want satanism in our schools and we need to do something about it.”

As the adage goes: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”