10 Reasons to Fight Satanism in America
If we lived in normal times, this article would be unnecessary. But we’re not living in normal times. Satanism is on the rise. Not only was the Satanic Temple granted recognition as a “church” by the U.S. government, but Satanism is forcing its way into public spaces, even elementary schools.
Here are ten reasons to fight against Satanism in America.
1. Satanism Is Not a Religion
The very purpose of religion is to love, imitate, and obey God, the source of all goodness and wisdom. Therefore, it’s not just a contradiction but also absurd to claim that Satanism can be considered a religion. Such a "religion" would promote hatred, not love; lies, not truth; and murder, not life.
Even the term religion comes from the Latin religare, which means to relink or bind. It is the bond that unites us to God. Therefore, satanism never was and never will be a religion.
2. Satan is the Father of Lies
Falsehood is corrosive to society because all human relationships depend on truth. Nations depend on it to establish treaties. Students rely on the honesty of their teachers. Even children experience shame when they lie because they sense that it breaks a bond of trust.
How does Holy Scripture define Satan? “When he tells a lie, he speaks in character, because he is a liar and the father of lies” (John 8:44).
You can define the devil as a professional liar. The serpent seduced Eve in Paradise with a lie. And every liar is a child of the devil, not by nature, but by imitation. In short, Satanism is nothing but a coalition of liars.
In contrast, Our Lord said, “I am the truth” (John 14:6). If we want to be children of God, the Father of truth, our thoughts and conversation must be upright and truthful.
3. Satan is Pro-Abortion
When TFP Student Action volunteers oppose abortion, they frequently hear pro-abortion students scream, “Hail Satan!”
Why do abortion advocates align with satan? Abortion and satanism are allies because satan is a “murderer from the beginning” (John 8:44). Satan hates innocent life because God made us in His image and likeness, and that holy reflection of God in man infuriates the devil.
That explains why the Satanic Temple promotes “Satanic Abortion Rituals.” These rituals celebrate the act of abortion. And after the baby is killed, the mother is told to say: “By my body, my blood; by my will, it is done.” (Cosmopolitan, Nov. 14, 2023).
Satanic Temple rep Chalice Blythe explained her support for abortion: “…we don’t have the luxury of trying to make abortion seem more palatable, because we tried that and now look where we are,” she said. “So we’re just going to come out with both arms swinging, completely defiant.” (Cosmopolitan, Nov. 14, 2023)
Every procured abortion is a grave sin against God. It destroys what St. Paul calls a “temple of the Holy Spirit.” Yes, the demonic forces of evil have a dogma: It’s called “choice.”
Now you know who’s behind the abortion movement and its culture of death.
4. Satanism is Against Marriage and Family
God created us male and female, and the primary purpose of marriage is the gift of life: children. Society's future depends on the family and a healthy birth rate. The sacred union of husband and wife gives children a stable home, a sanctuary that instills moral values.
But the satanic movement attacks marriage and promotes unnatural unions.
As Saint Peter Damian said, unnatural vice “expels the Holy Spirit from the temple of the human heart, and gives entrance to the devil, the stimulator of lust. It leads to error, totally removes truth from the deluded mind…” (Onepeterfive.com, Feb. 23, 2022)
If you pay attention, you’ll notice how Satanism and unnatural vice go hand in hand. For example, the pro-homosexual magazine OUT published a telling headline: “Satanic Temple Says It Will 'Fight to the Death' for LGBTQ+ Rights.” (Out, Aug. 24, 2019)
In the article, the co-founder of the Satanic Temple affirms: “the Temple is mostly made up of LGBTQ+ people” […] “Within the Satanic Temple, we're all pretty much one and the same.”
The leader of the Satanic Temple said: “The Homosexual Agenda is but one front in the Satanic Revolution.” (Source: Friendly Atheist, A Satanist Responds to a Catholic Group’s Claim that Gay Pride Is Satanic, published on July 6, 2019)
Only God’s marriage creates new life. Whereas the devil – also known as the Ape of God -- doesn’t create anything. He only mocks and destroys the family with counterfeit unions.
Satanism is not a religion, but its direct opposite. Only an anti-religion would attack God’s plan for marriage and uproot the sacred institution of the family.
5. Satanism Targets Children
Satanism is especially harmful to children. Did you know The Satanic Temple launched a program for children called the After School Satan Club? But club leaders claim that they don’t mention the devil. Really? With a name like Satan Club, how is the devil left out?
You can always trust the father of lies to lie.
Furthermore, the co-founder of The Satanic Temple, Lucien Greaves, spoke in favor of exposing young minds to blasphemous imagery in school: “we think that sends a very positive message to children,” he said.
There’s nothing positive about poisoning young minds.
Satan has no rights.
6. Satanism is Blasphemous
Some claim that a subversive lie is equal to a sublime truth. But this view is contrary to Christian morality and leads to public blasphemy. For example, Satanic groups attack God with Black Masses.
No words can describe how evil a Black Mass is. Every Black Mass is a direct, deliberate, and sinful act of hatred against God. Typically, a Consecrated Host is stolen from a Catholic Church and desecrated to insult the Catholic Mass. The Person of Our Lord Jesus Christ is attacked in the most vile and unspeakable manner.
SatanCon is another example. Reports say the event had “unbaptism” ceremonies in a “Little Black Chapel” with an inverted cross. SatanCon organizers also desecrated a Bible on stage, ripping it to shreds.
No. Blasphemy against God is not free speech.
7. Satanism is Anti-American
Atheists argue that Church and State must be completely separate. However, this misreads our country’s basic principles. Our legal system is based on the Ten Commandments. And the Founding Fathers supported religion as a guarantor of peace in society.
George Washington said, “Religion and morality are the essential pillars of civil society.” And John Adams adds, “Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people.”
But Satanism attacks the foundation of one nation under God. It undermines America’s social and spiritual well-being. It harms individuals and morals. Thus, we must oppose it.
8. Satanism Brings Hell to Earth
Before the coming of Christ, humanity didn’t know what charity was. But Our Lord's example, Passion, and Redemption changed everything. Christian ideas, like the Good Samaritan and the Good Shepherd, improved society dramatically.
When society loves God, people love their neighbor without self-interest. That's why good manners, schools, and hospitals thrived in the Age of Faith. It was a reflection of God's kingdom on earth.
However, any code that inverts God’s order will lead to destruction. And Satan has always incited evil, selfishness, rebellion, disorder, and debauchery. Holding up such a figure as a model or symbol will only destroy all order and ethics and generate hatred for individuals and institutions that stand in the way.
True to form, Satanists seek to abolish the moral codes, especially the Ten Commandments. They want to replace them with godless codes. But, can society preserve order without a moral foundation? No.
9. Satanism and the Cult of Ugliness
Why is satanism infused with darkness and ugliness? Because beauty is one of the attributes of God. And since everything beautiful leads us to God, it is natural that those who hate God and want to destroy Christian civilization would want to diminish and eliminate beauty in the world.
We are created with body and soul. Our physical body needs food to survive, just as our soul does. What keeps souls alive? Beauty. Beauty is essential for our spiritual life.
Prof. Plinio Correa de Oliveira explains that, “God created beauty for the life of the soul. It has no corporal usefulness. It does not satisfy hunger, shelter us from a storm or provide warmth…. However, beauty is more useful than food, shelter, and warmth. Because beauty is useful to the soul, and the soul is worth more than the body.”
Satanism is a cult of ugliness. By seeking to destroy beauty, it destroys the reflection of God on earth.
10. Satanism Offends God
The essence of Satanism is rebellion against God and Christianity. Its expressions are blasphemy, homage to evil, and the promotion of a lifestyle that is contrary to God's commandments. With the introduction of Satanism in schools, the offense is even greater.
Therefore, we must not remain indifferent. Instead, we should stand up and follow the example of Saint Michael the Archangel. Honor God, follow His holy law, and fight to restore Christian Civilization.
Although we live in dark times, it’s good to remember that satan is the eternal loser. He has no rights.
Moreover, the proud head of the wicked serpent will be crushed by the humble and pure foot of the Blessed Virgin Mary. “I will place enmity between you and the woman, between your offspring and hers, and she shall crush your head with her heel” (Gen. 3:15).