Media - Videos - Abortion
Desperate Pro-Abortion Mob Harasses TFP Volunteers at George Mason University
Is this pro-abortion "tolerance"?
Successful TFP Tour Takes Abortion Radicals by Surprise in Europe
Inside the belly of the beast.
Pro-Life Truth vs. Pro-Abortion Feminist Rants at Columbia University
What does saving innocent lives trigger students at Columbia University so much?
Pro-Life vs. Pro-Abortion Clash on George Washington University Campus
Why has "Hail Satan!" become a new slogan for the pro-abortion movement?
Woke Student at Johns Hopkins University: “Abortion is like killing a spider”
Spiders are like humans? Who teaches these students to think so poorly for a 50K yearly tuition?
Pro-Abortion Students Say “Hail Satan” and “I Love Murder”
The mask is off. Choice = abortion.