Nov 12, 2021 Print this article

Pro-Life Truth vs. Pro-Abortion Feminist Rants at Columbia University

“Diversity” and “tolerance” are highly prized at Columbia University in New York City. Yet these same secular “values” were thrown to the wind when students came face to face with a peaceful TFP Student Action event on the Ivy League campus.

On October 28, 2021, TFP Student Action organized a campaign against abortion at Columbia University as part of its week-long St. Brendan’s Caravan that reached four states.

“Thanks for coming out,” said one student. “I watch your videos.”

But leftists couldn’t believe their eyes. “They’re allowed to do that here?” questioned a group of students walking to class. “Make it [TFP] go away.”

One feminist told a TFP volunteer that “no women on campus” would ever support the pro-life campaign. Yet at that very moment, a young woman came up, saying, “Thank you so much for coming.” The feminist yelled in frustration, “Seriously!? Come on!”

Moments later, another young lady with courage joined the debate, challenging the lies of the abortion movement on campus.

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Insults that Turn Into Compliments

As pro-abortion advocates engaged the TFP members, they formulated insults.

“You’re so medieval,” said one, expecting an adverse reaction.

“Thank you for the compliment,” was the response he didn’t expect.

The insult was a compliment because Christian Civilization flourished in the Middle Ages. And the virtues of Catholic Chivalry continue to inspire faithful men to this day, including TFP Student Action volunteers.

There were more compliments by the pro-abortion opposition:

  • Pro-abort: “I don’t agree with your position, but your flag is really beautiful.”
  • Pro-abort: “I have to admit, they are brave.”
  • Pro-abort: “Why the [TFP] flag?”
  • TFP: “Because it’s beautiful and marvelous.”
  • Pro-abort: “Yes, that’s very true.”

It did not take long for a hostile crowd to gather in front of the members and their banner, which read, “Pray and act to end the sin of abortion.” Screams and insults filled the air.

One TFP volunteer was spit on.

Pro-Abortion Thieves Thwarted

A pro-abortion student stole a box containing hundreds of 10 Reasons to Protect the Unborn fliers and dumped them on the lawn, where TFP volunteers were, fortunately, able to retrieve them.

After about one hour, campus security asked TFP Student Action members to relocate to the public sidewalk. As TFP members processed to the new location singing God Bless America, a screaming horde heckled and followed them.

Again, a pro-abortion woman attempted to run off with a box of TFP fliers. But John Ritchie, TFP Student Action director, quickly jumped in front of the fleeing thief and stopped her from stealing the pro-family literature. When her path was cut off, she dumped the TFP fliers on the sidewalk. Then a second feminist grabbed the box and tried to run away with it, but her attempted theft was also thwarted.

Two homosexuals performed lewd acts while dozens of pro-abortion activists applauded around them with loud whoops of approval. Sin begets sin, and never has it been more apparent how the abortion movement is synonymous with the homosexual revolution.

Finally, TFP volunteers prayed three Hail Marys to conclude their event. As they made the sign of the Cross, the other side unleashed a vicious barrage of curses against God such as:

  • “[Expletive] the Father, [Expletive] the Son, and [Expletive] the Holy Spirit!”
  • “Hail Satan!”
  • “Mary supported abortion!”

Meeting New Friends in the Good Fight

Local Catholic students joined the campaign even when the debate between pro-life truth vs. pro-abortion ranting intensified. “We appreciate your presence at Columbia,” said one young Catholic. “We need Christ… [and I’m] sorry that we have a lot of debauchery on campus. Thank you so much for being here.”

These brave souls stood shoulder to shoulder with the men of TFP Student Action and took the abuse of the pro-abortion opposition without fear but with real courage.

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Operation St. Michael

After this epic campaign, the caravan went to the 17th Precinct of the New York City Police Department in Manhattan. Outside the station, TFP members held signs thanking the police. Their banner read, “St. Michael protect the police so they can protect us.”

One officer was profoundly moved. “You will never understand how much we appreciate your support until we reach Heaven,” he said. “I sincerely thank you. I really mean it.”

A fireman came over: “TFP. I know you. I watch all your videos. Thank you so much for everything you do,” he said. “I pray my rosary for you all the time.”

Soon a cop invited TFP volunteers to enter the precinct, where they passed out St. Michael medals to a group of appreciative officers. “This is your home. Come any time,” they said.

Please continue to pray for the St. Brenden caravan as it travels from state to state, fighting to end the sin of abortion and to restore the moral fabric of the Red, White, and Blue.

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