Boston University Play Attacks God: Join the Protest
Boston University School of Theatre plans to present a blasphemous play, Corpus Christi, beginning April 10, 2025. Written by Terrence McNally, an open homosexual playwright, this production is nothing less than a direct attack on Catholicism, distorting the sacred life of Our Lord Jesus Christ and manipulating His message to fit a radical pro-homosexual agenda.
The play portrays Our Lord as a homosexual man in the mid-20th century, deliberately twisting biblical truth and Catholic doctrine to serve the LGBTQ movement.
A Mockery of Our Lord
The main character in Corpus Christi is “Joshua,” a direct mockery of the name of Jesus in Hebrew. The play presents Joshua as a homosexual who grows up in “isolation and torment,” scorned by those around him.
This deliberate inversion of Christ’s actual suffering and persecution twists the real reason Our Lord was rejected and crucified. Christ was condemned because He was the Messiah, God Incarnate, Who came to redeem the world from sin. By contrast, this play transforms the Passion of Christ into a mere social justice narrative, falsely equating the rejection of sin with the persecution of Our Lord Himself.
In this blasphemous play, those who mocked, spit on, and crucified Jesus—the Jewish authorities who rejected Him—are replaced with Catholics, the very people who uphold the teachings of Christ. In this way, Corpus Christi turns the truth upside down, portraying those who believe in traditional Christian morality as villains while portraying the LGBTQ movement as a righteous cause.

Twisting the Gospel
In the play, Joshua leaves his hometown, Corpus Christi, to seek a more “accepting” environment and gathers a group of followers who cling to his message of “love and tolerance.” However, the language in the play promotes sin. It conflates love with lust and tolerance with virtue.
Jesus preached about true love and charity – not the redefined versions in vogue today. Our Savior also preached repentance and rejection of sin. His call to love one’s neighbor never endorsed sinful behavior. He ministered to sinners by calling them to conversion: “Go, and now sin no more” (John 8:11).
The notion that Christ’s message was primarily about “acceptance,” as it is frequently repeated today, is a distortion of the Gospel. True love desires the good of the beloved, which includes leading them away from sin, not affirming them in it.
In one of the most blasphemous moments in the play, Joshua officiates at a same-sex “marriage,” as if Christ Himself would endorse an act that contradicts both natural and divine law.
To emphasize the truth, Our Lord Jesus Christ reaffirms the sanctity of marriage as the sacred union between one man and one woman (Matthew 19:4-6). To depict Him as the “celebrant” of a sinful union is outrageous.
The play profanely depicts “Joshua’s” crucifixion, presented as a victim of intolerance rather than the Redeemer who willingly laid down His life for the salvation of mankind.
Why We Must Fight Blasphemy
The problem with Corpus Christi is not only that it presents an untruthful version of Christ’s life. The issue is that it does so with the intention to mock, degrade, and blaspheme Our Lord Jesus Christ.
This production is a clear attack against God, Christianity, and virtue. It aims to desensitize audiences to the sin of blasphemy and distorts the sacred to fit a worldview that is incompatible with the moral teachings of the Church.
A Call to Action
As faithful Catholics, we cannot remain silent in the face of such an offense. To allow such a production to be staged without a response is to allow Our Lord to keep getting offended.
We must speak out against this play, protest its showing, and urge fellow Catholics to do the same. We must defend the truth and reject all attempts to corrupt it.
Corpus Christi is not just a play—it is an insult to Christ, an attack on Christian doctrine, and a tool of moral corruption. It distorts the Gospel, perverts the sacred, and seeks to normalize blasphemy in the public sphere.

Stand Like a Saint
Saint Catherine of Siena urged the faithful of her time to stand boldly against evil. “We've had enough exhortations to be silent,” she said. “Cry out with a thousand tongues. I see the world is rotten because of silence.”
The barrage of blasphemy in pop culture wears down the spiritual life within souls and renders them indifferent to supernatural grace.
With good reason, Saint Maximilian Kolbe warns us not to grow cold in our Faith. “The most deadly poison of our times is indifference,” he said. “And this happens, although the praise of God should know no limits. Let us strive, therefore, to praise Him to the greatest extent of our powers.”
Now, more than ever, we must stand firm in our Faith and defend the honor of Our Lord Jesus Christ. May God give us the strength to fight against this blasphemy, and may His truth prevail.
Pray in reparation.
Speak out in protest.
Defend the faith.