Mar 24, 2010 Print this article

Homosexual “Jesus” Play at Tarleton State University – Call for Protest

March 26 update:
Tarleton President Dr. Dominic Dottavio issued a statement canceling the blaphemous play Corpus Christi.

No. Blasphemy is not free speech.

This is simply outrageous. On Saturday, March 27, right before Holy Week begins, Tarleton State University in Texas is planning to stage the blasphemous play Corpus Christi. This adult-content play portrays Our Lord and the apostles as homosexuals.

TFP Student Action urges you to speak out today by sending your online protest against this horrible play to the president of Tarleton State University, Dr. Dominic Dottavio. What makes matters worse is that Tarleton State will be using federal and state (tax) dollars to promote blasphemy.

Call Dr. Dominic Dottavio now
(254) 968-9100

“The Person of Jesus Christ is sacred and untouchable. To portray Him as a homosexual, or even to insinuate it, is an unspeakable blasphemy, which I reject with all my soul,” said TFP Student Action director John Ritchie.

“We’ve opposed this blasphemous production in the past, but unfortunately there seems to be no end to the malice that motivates blasphemy-pushers. And now it’s back. That’s why I am contacting thousands of students, urging them to defend the honor and dignity of Our Lord Jesus Christ,” Ritchie added.

If Corpus Christi is unopposed, it may show up on more college campuses across the nation. This must not happen.

So please sign the peaceful protest NOW

Contact information (be polite yet firm):

Tarleton State University
Dr. Dominic Dottavio, president
Box T-0001
Stephenville, Texas 76402
Phone: (254) 968-9100

In the news:
Huge Protest Erupts as Tarleton State University Uses Tax Dollars to Sponsor Blasphemy