News - TFP Student Action

Boston College Deletes Planned Parenthood from List of Internships

The Catholic college scrubbed Planned Parenthood off its website after 8,000 students and parents voiced their concern.

Satanic Black Mass Still Scheduled at Public Venue Despite Protest

Amid growing protest Satanists plan to stage a second Black Mass at the public Civic Center Music Hall in Oklahoma City on August 15, 2016.

Pro-Homosexual Activism Subverts Truth at 130 Catholic Colleges

The homosexual movement is subverting moral values at a growing number of Catholic universities and colleges in America, according to a detailed TFP Student Action report published on May 13, 2016.

News Release: Satanic Black Mass in Oklahoma Sparks New Protest

Satanists are planning another Black Mass on city property in the state of Oklahoma. According to news sources, the sacrilege is slated to take place at the Oklahoma City Civic Center on Monday, August 15, 2016 at 7:00 PM.

Good News: University of St. Thomas DELETES Planned Parenthood, Other Pro-Abortion Internships

Good news to report: Your voice for moral values is making a difference.

TFP News Release: CPAC Turns Left with Pro-Homosexual, Pro-Atheist Groups

Washington, D.C. -- March 3, 2016: The Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) is under fire this year for accepting the sponsorship of Log Cabin Republicans, an LGBT activist group that promotes Bruce Jenner, same-sex "marriage," and open homosexuality in the U.S. Armed Forces.

CPAC Needs Moral Leadership

Just as a drop of poison can spoil a crystalline glass of water, a measure of compromise on non-negotiable principles might destroy the meaning of “conservative” at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), the largest annual gathering of its kind.

News Release: Concerned Catholics Launch Worldwide Petition to Pope Francis

Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) and dozens of pro-family groups are gathering signatures on a worldwide petition to Pope Francis, asking him to defend marriage and family at the upcoming Synod in Rome.

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