Good News: University of St. Thomas DELETES Planned Parenthood, Other Pro-Abortion Internships
Good news to report: Your voice for moral values is making a difference.
On December 10, TFP Student Action asked its members to urge the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minnesota to remove several online entries featuring Planned Parenthood, NARAL, NOW and other pro-abortion groups listed as "volunteer/internship opportunities" on its web site.

Hours after the TFP alert was published, the two entries for Planned Parenthood vanished. Later in the day, three more pro-abortion groups listed under Women's Studies were promptly scrubbed off the Catholic university's web site. Campus Reform and First Things brought additional attention to the scandal.
In a message to TFP Student Action, the president of the University of St. Thomas, Dr. Julie H. Sullivan, wrote:
"Thank you for contacting me regarding links to inappropriate internship resources that appeared on the University of St. Thomas website. The links were published in error on the website of our College of Arts and Sciences, and they are being corrected. Student internships in the college are approved through the Office of the Dean. The dean has not approved, nor would he approve, academic credit for internships at Planned Parenthood or abortion organizations."
We applaud Dr. Sullivan's swift action and hope the underlying cause which led to the pro-abortion groups' appearance in the first place is also addressed so that the spirit and doctrine of Holy Mother Church is upheld in every facet of the academy, now and into the future. Catholic universities must not compromise with the culture of death, but rather be bold champions of virtue and staunch defenders of innocent life.
TFP Student Action is grateful to everyone -- especially the pro-life students at the University of St. Thomas and alumni -- who took the time to voice their concern and stand up for the unborn, against the sin of abortion. More than 10,000 pro-lifers signed the protest petition.
God bless them all.