News Release: Satanic Black Mass in Oklahoma Sparks New Protest

Young Catholics with Tradition Family Property Student Action have launched a protest petition to The Honorable Mary Fallin, Governor of Oklahoma, urging her to take effective measures against this public sacrilege.
The petition can be signed here:
Registered sex offender Adam Daniels will reportedly be leading the anti-Catholic satanic ritual on public property. Daniels staged a Black Mass in 2014. And on Christmas Eve of 2015 he poured costume blood over a statue of the Virgin Mary in front of Saint Joseph Old Cathedral in Oklahoma City with a permit from City Hall.
The government-run Civic Center is now selling tickets for the second Black Mass, advertising the satanic event in these terms: "The first ritual will [be] the Black Mass," reads the web site, and "the second ritual will be the Consumption of Mary."
"This is a double attack -- God and His Mother will be publically vilified on city property," said TFP Student Action director, John Ritchie. "Every Black Mass is a direct, deliberate and sinful act of hatred against God. Often, a Consecrated Host is stolen from a Catholic Church and then used to desecrate, mock and insult the Catholic Mass. The Person of Our Lord Jesus Christ is attacked in a most vile and unspeakable manner."
"To defile and smear the true Mass, the Blessed Sacrament, and the Mother of God is not even remotely a form of religious expression, but rather a direct act of anti-religious bigotry and hatred against God. And when government buildings open their doors and allow a satanic Black Mass that offends God so deeply, it begs the question: Where is our beloved nation headed? Are we still one nation under God?" Ritchie asked.
"To dismiss the satanic Black Mass at the Civic Center of Oklahoma City as a mere publicity stunt is to ignore the grave nature of this sin and its consequences," Ritchie continued. "There is no publicity stunt with Satan."
When Harvard University allowed a satanic Black Mass on campus in 2014, TFP Student Action delivered 46,000 protest petitions to the Ivy League institution and organized a successful campaign which contributed to the satanic event's last-minute cancelation. However, despite vigorous protest, Oklahoma City officials refused to cancel the first satanic Black Mass held at the Civic Center on September 21, 2014.
"True Americans do not want their communities to become dens of satanic darkness," said Ritchie. "Real Americans do not want their children to grow up in a society where satanic Black Masses are considered normal and acceptable."
Please consider voicing your concern, politely yet firmly, with:
Oklahoma City Civic Center Administration
Mr. Jim Brown, General Manager
Phone: 405-297-2584
Civic Center Contact Form
Mr. Mick Cornett, Mayor of Oklahoma City
Phone: 405-297-2424
Fax: 405-297-3759
Twitter: @MickCornett
The Honorable Mary Fallin, Governor of Oklahoma
Phone: 405-521-2342
On Facebook:
Contact Form at: @GovMaryFallin
Talking points:
Ask them to stop the satanic "Black Mass" at the Civic Center for the good of the community. To defile and smear the true Holy Mass, the Blessed Sacrament, and the Mother of God is not even remotely a form of religious expression, but rather a direct act of anti-religious bigotry and hatred against God. And -- really -- who wants to live in a community where God is attacked? And who wants their children to grow up in a society where Satan is worshiped?
Sacrilege is not free speech.
Sacrilege is not educational.
Sacrilege is not American.
Down with satan.