News - Homosexuality

Defending Real Marriage in Tyler

The afternoon sun beat down relentlessly on the busy intersection. Above the din of car horns and semi-truck engines, the sound of bagpipes and singing drifted on the breeze. A group of 17 young men, gathered under an American flag, held signs which stated, "God's Marriage = 1 man + 1 woman."

TFP in Dallas: "Don't Mess with Texas, Don't Mess with Marriage"

"You're awesome!" two young women yelled from their car. They were driving in the center lane of a three lane intersection and had "front seats" to observe the TFP's traditional marriage campaign in Dallas, Texas.

Fighting for the Family in Fort Worth: Pro-Life, Pro-Marriage Rallies

The show of support for true marriage is overwhelming in Texas and the South in general. Since the Roe v. Wade decision in 1973, the American public has been opposing abortion. Every hundreds of thousands march for life all over the nation. Now, we are witnessing a similar attitude towards Obergefell vs. Hodges on the streets of Texas.

Support for God's Marriage Increasing: Report from Lafayette, La.

Today, TFP volunteers campaigned near the Cajun Dome at Congress and Bertrand, one of the busiest intersections in Lafayette, Louisiana. Once again the support witnessed for traditional marriage was really splendid.

Bakers fined $135K and gagged by state for saying TRUTH about marriage

Shocking: Sweet Cakes by Melissa gets fined $135,000 for supporting God's marriage -- now the state issues gag order.

Mortal Sin at Fordham: Theology Professor Enters a Same-Sex "Marriage"

Professor Hornbeck uses his privileged teaching perch to actively undermine Church teaching.

Become a Guardian of Truth: It's the BEST way to help TFP Student Action

Join the Guardians of Truth, our special circle of front line supporters I regret to inform you: That in a few short years, a small minority of anti-family activists have achieved what most people thought to be impossible...

Veteran Affairs Worker Forced to Look at LGBT Poster Display

Here is another reason to pray and fight for moral values in America.

Beyond Shameful: Immoral Drag Shows Spread to 5 Catholic Universities

At least five Catholic universities have been hosting pro-homosexual drag shows on campus. That number may sharply increase given the aggressive demands of the homosexual revolution.

Promotion of God's Marriage Gets Cheers and Jeers at Notre Dame

As TFP Student Action volunteers unraveled their banner and began handing out fliers outside DeBartolo Hall at the University of Notre Dame on April 25, many students approached and enthusiastically thanked them for standing up for Catholic doctrine. "There are many here who don't agree,” said a young man. "I agree with you and I'm not even Catholic, I'm atheist."

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