Liberal Media Goes Blind to Unprecedented 4,223 Individual Rallies in Favor of Natural Marriage
In an unprecedented display of grassroots support for the institution of marriage, thousands of volunteers pulled off an amazing achievement: 4,223 public square rosary rallies in defense of true marriage. The rallies were held simultaneously across the nation at noon on March 19.
Liberal Media Goes Blind
The newsworthy event was ignored by the liberal media.
Each rally captain gathered family and friends and assembled at busy thoroughfares to pray for the future of the family in America. The large banners they displayed said it all: "God's marriage = 1 man + 1 woman." Other signs invited drivers passing by to "Honk for marriage."
From every corner, rally leaders confirmed what the mass media would rather not talk about. That is, Americans do not approve of same-sex "marriage." The loud and constant honking for marriage, thumbs up, applause and widespread enthusiasm from the general public was unambiguous proof.
More than 4,000 rally captains embarked on a tremendous joint effort to proclaim the truth: God created marriage as an institution firmly rooted in natural law and no earthly power -- no supreme court -- has the authority to tamper or change it. Immoral laws might be passed and corrupt judges may act against the common good of society -- however, reality is unchanging and unchangeable: it takes a mother and a father to create a family. And God blesses that union with children.
Rally Captains Report
Rally captain Michael Jordan reports: "The rally this year in York, Penn. on Route 30 was very positive. The honks actually began as soon as we started unrolling the banner. We counted somewhere between 275 to 300 honks. There were about the same amount of people giving silent positive support; such as thumps-up, applauding, or shouting things like “All right!”

David and Jean Weymier report from West Bend, Wisconsin: "It was very cold and it snowed. We had a lot of people driving by making lewd gestures. But even more people drove by and honked their horns in favor of the rally. A few people yelled nasty things out their windows so we definitely had opposition."
"However, we had more people taking pictures of our signs and we had one couple stop by and take our picture. They said they were sick and tired of the sin of homosexuality, which is an abomination to Our Lord Jesus Christ. Another woman who walked in front of where we were was praying with us as she walked by. We need to be doing more rallies for traditional marriage because there are so many people who are sick of the homosexual revolution, which is advancing, and people are happy to see us in the streets."
Miss Ronnie Lauderdale reports from Cottonwood, Arizona: "Two priests, the pastor of Immaculate Conception and a visiting priest from Africa, joined the group of about 20 men and women... we processed from the parish parking lot to the main highway between Cottonwood and Sedona. There we recited the Sorrowful Mysteries..."

From Kansas, Francis Slobodnik reports: "The rallies in Topeka were met by cold temperatures and high winds. As a result, we weren't able to use all of the signs. Those of us who held signs had sore hands afterwards from gripping them so hard so they would not get ripped out of our hands."
"Someone made the comment that it is common during the annual rallies to have bad weather. The day before the rally was very warm, calm and pleasant. A person remarked that Our Lady was preparing us for Holy Week. If we truly love Our Lord and Our Lady we must experience Calvary with them and the cold and high winds was one way we could do that."

From Therese Castle in the greater Philadephia, Penn. area: "We had a wonderful rally! We saw the good, the bad, and the ugly. We got over 100 HONKS of enthused and supportive public, others who didn't honk waved."
"One man was so thrilled, I saw his jaw drop in delight (as if seeing a vision or dream). He honked many times and very loudly! Another black lady drove by very happily honking, then she turned around, pulled over and asked what Church we belonged to saying, 'I want to join your Church.' Maybe she will! Let's pray she does."
"It was also good to see the reality of the world, and the hatred of God and His order by seeing people's bad reactions so we can act even stronger against them. We also got thumbs down and neutrality. After our rally was over and most people had left, a cop stopped by saying we had to stay on the sidewalk even though the grass area was a public park and we were finished. His attitude was not a nice one. He then said he had to film us to keep a record of what we were doing."
"Isabella, 11, was a very enthusiastic participant, holding a honk sign and a smile on her face. When she got home, her mom asked her how it made her feel when people gave the 'thumbs down' sign. She said, 'I felt sorry for them because they were booing God."
From Pat Ashcraft in Cincinnati, Ohio: "The damp biting wind ultimately ripped our banner toward the end of the Crusade, while the hard-hitting rain increased as the Crusade progressed, pelting our papers and smearing the ink as we prayed the Litany to St. Joseph, after reciting the Rosary. We ended our Crusade with a blessing from Fr. Cyril Whitaker, S.J., who has faithfully attended and participated in the Crusades for many, many years."
"We had a series of signs printed by a local 'mom and pop' printer and the signs, along with the crisp white banner from the TFP, seemed to save the day. The assortment of umbrellas surprisingly gave us additional visibility as passersby were almost compelled to slow down to see who would be so foolish (dedicated) as to stand out in the bitter wind and blowing rain to show their support for traditional marriage. The more unpleasant the weather became during the Crusade, the more determined we were to proceed, albeit with a decidedly smaller crowd than in years past."
"When everyone finally arrived, many remaining in their cars trying to outwait the rain, we had about 30 brave souls standing there on a cold gray March afternoon, on the feast day of St. Joseph, to proclaim their support for the family, for traditional marriage, no matter what the circumstances. We received more positive support than ever before, despite the weather, or perhaps because of the weather, and perhaps also because eyes are beginning to open, although much too slowly."
God bless all the rally captains and participants. May God also bless America and protect our beloved nation from the homosexual agenda.