Protest the Vile Parody of “The Last Supper” at the Paris Olympics

  • July 29, 2024
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Did you ever imagine that the Paris 2024 Olympics would broadcast blasphemy to billions of viewers, including children?

During the opening ceremony of the Olympics, The Last Supper was mocked with incredible obscenity. Our Lord was depicted as an obese, tattooed, and semi-naked woman, and His “apostles” were represented as immoral drag queens in offensive and immoral positions.

A young girl was also involved in this pro-homosexual parody against God and Christianity.

Please react against this abomination by signing your immediate protest to the President of France and the Minister of Sports.

Why was God attacked?

Why were 2.5 billion Christians targeted at the opening ceremony of a sporting event?

Only Christianity was attacked—no other religion.

There appears to be a common thread at the Paris 2024 Olympics this year: The aggressive and in-your-face promotion of LGBT pride!

Paris, the capital of the first-born Daughter of the Church, has become, in the eyes of the world, a new Sodom and Gomorrah.

Do you and I have the right to be silent?

Please note that the Olympics ceremony also celebrated the unjust killing of Marie-Antoinette, the Martyr Queen.

From the windows of the Conciergerie, where Marie-Antoinette was imprisoned in terrible conditions and separated from her children in 1793, a singer appeared, dressed as the Queen of France, holding her decapitated head in her hands.

She sang a revolutionary song while the grotesque and bloody image was projected onto all the Conciergerie building windows, evoking blood flow, accompanied by heavy metal music.

How can we remain silent in the face of such horrors?

Please send your urgent protest to Emmanuel Macron and Amelie Oudea-Castera, the Minister of Sports.

Protest blasphemy today

Imagine the suffering of Our Lord caused by this outrage inflicted on Him by very country that He honored with His Sacred Heart…

Our Lord complained to Padre Pio about the ingratitude of men:

“My Love is repaid with so much ingratitude! I would be less offended by people if I had loved them less. My Father no longer wants to endure this from them. I would like to stop loving them, but... (here Jesus becomes silent and sighs.) But oh! My heart is made to love!”

“They leave me alone at night and alone in churches during the day.”

“They no longer care about the Eucharist. People never speak about this Sacrament of love, and those that do speak about it do so with indifference and coldness.”

We can’t be indifferent!

Join this act of reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.