Serving a ‘Woke’ God More Powerful Than Money
During the dreaded “pride” month, many corporate firms promoted pro-LGBTQ products and events targeting all ages and even toddlers. Consumers reacted with unexpected rage and vigor that impacted corporate bottom lines.
Most executives knew there were risks involved in these decisions and paid the consequences. For example, the Bud Light debacle featuring a transsexual influencer resulted in multi-billion dollar share value losses. Always politically correct, Target also offended countless shoppers by highlighting its LGBTQ-friendly product lines, including children’s clothes and even a partnership with an openly Satanic designer. Finally, the Dodger’s baseball team struck out with Catholic fans by first disinviting and then deciding to pay tribute to the blasphemous “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence,” a group of transvestite men dressing garishly as nuns.
All these mishaps have resulted in substantial financial losses. The standard commentary is that these corporate giants miscalculated the impact of these actions and products upon the consumers in their zeal to broaden their markets.
The God of Money
Such an explanation only gives part of the story. The reaction was indeed strong. However, multi-billion dollar companies do not become big by making foolish miscalculations like these. They have the world’s best marketing departments that track every product and know their target audiences well. Mistakes of this magnitude do not fit into the logic of their standard operating procedures.
A more reasonable explanation is a shift in priorities. The corporate world used to worship at the altar of the god of money. Everything was exclusively oriented toward garnering the greatest market share, increasing stockholder value and making huge profits. Those who failed could expect the swift and radical sanctions reserved for all those who offended this god of mammon by losing money.
A profound change is shaking corporate America, and the future does not look good.
Offending the Customer
The evidence of a paradigm shift is strong.
If the pro-LGBTQ-friendly products were miscalculations, those worshiping at the altar of money would immediately stop promoting these offensive items and actions. To rebuild trust, they would apologize to the offended customer, who is king and always right.
However, such actions are not happening. Some more offensive products are being withdrawn or relocated in stores, but many others remain. Most companies involved in these controversies are not apologizing but justifying their choices. Some are even doubling down on their mistakes with utter disregard for their bottom lines.
Despite the massive backlash, major corporations still promote ads, products and initiatives to mark “pride” month. For example, Walmart offers a collection of LGBTQ-branded products under the banner “Pride & Joy.”
Abandoning the most hallowed business practices, companies are willing to take immense risks and lose billions of dollars. Even the god of money cannot keep them from pursuing the headlong rush to ruin.
Fear of a Greater Unnamed God
The only way to explain this shift is fear. A woke corporate America is willing to forsake the god of money because it fears a greater yet more powerful “woke” god who demands total obedience and exclusivity.
This unnamed yet evil god creates the illusion that he rules everywhere. All must worship by acknowledging this rule, even if not in agreement. All must sacrifice self-interest and profits (as an incense offering) to this new god.
This public acknowledgment is not like the tribute that evil pays to good by virtue signaling. Instead, it is a contrary “vice signaling” that asks for complicity for every perversion, sin and vice. Anyone who fails to appease this greater god can expect the worst treatment.
Paying Tribute
For now, the new god tolerates the payment of tribute in which reluctant companies pay what is called rainbow-washing. They will go through the motions of support for the LGBTQ agenda in the hope of avoiding complete dhimmitude. However, it is a vain hope as each new concession brings new demands.
Many executives would prefer to avoid any moral stance altogether and continue to offer sacrifices to the old god of money. However, the new god of total liberation is a jealous one and will have no other gods before him. There are no neutrals in this fight.
Thus, the woke corporate world pays this tribute willingly, seeing the new program as a liberation from moral restraint. The god of money represents a past that must be toppled. Thus, these firms live in the contradiction of putting the power of their massive fortunes and prestige at the service of the new god who will destroy them.
A Brave New World
It should be no surprise that a woke corporate world grovels before this new god and his agenda. The new god of total liberation represents a brave new world that denies reality, perverts nature and questions identity. Its dynamism comes not from the frenetic intemperance of markets ruled by the old god but from the exhilaration of unbridled passions that take the imagination to the wildest extremes.
This new god promises freedom but will deliver the worst of tyrannies. It is no coincidence that he appears together with Satanic imagery since that is what inspires him.
A Revolutionary Process
The coming of the new god is part of a revolutionary process that has long rocked the West and destroyed the social and moral structures that kept some semblance of order in society. Part of the ongoing culture war is a battle between these two gods.
Thus, this new and stronger false god is not leaving the scene, nor can this fight be won by a return to the rule of the lesser deity of money, who prevailed in the liberal order.
The only way to victory is by having recourse to the true God—the Creator of all, the Almighty, the Lord God of Hosts. God can return America to order, put pride and lust to flight and topple the idols of the false gods that so oppress society.
(This op-ed was first published by www.TFP.org)