Tell Loyola University Chicago to STOP Offering "Abortion Care" for Catholic Students
- July 14, 2023

How can a Catholic health plan in good conscience include the sin of abortion?
Unfortunately, the 2023-24 health plan for students at Loyola University Chicago covers “abortion care services.” These pro-abortion “services” at the Jesuit campus include contraception and sterilization.
That’s why TFP Student Action invites you to join its peaceful protest today.
Fr. Jeffrey Kirby, who teaches theology at Belmont Abbey College, told The College Fix: “By having abortion included in its student healthcare plan, Loyola University Chicago is giving tragic consent to the worst type of evil…”
Fr. Kirby makes a good point:
“If the university is obstinate in its acceptance of abortion in its student healthcare program, then the Church calls for the designation ‘Catholic’ to be removed from the university, along with all the ecclesial, legal, fundraising, and non-profit privileges that accompany such a designation.”
Indeed. You can’t claim to be Catholic and, at the same time, support abortion.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church is unequivocal:
“Since the first century the Church has affirmed the moral evil of every procured abortion. This teaching has not changed and remains unchangeable.” [2271]
The Catechism continues:
“Formal cooperation in an abortion constitutes a grave offense. The Church attaches the canonical penalty of excommunication to this crime against human life.” [2272]
Tell Loyola University Chicago to remove abortion and all pro-abortion policies from its insurance plan.
- Save the unborn.
- Defend the right to life.
- Sign your protest today.
Please be polite yet firm in your correspondence:
Dr. Mark C. Reed
President, Loyola University Chicago
Lewis Towers - Suite 1500
820 N. Michigan Avenue
Chicago, IL 60611
Phone: 312-915-6400
Fax: 312-915-6414