Pro-Life Tour: "Hope in the midst of sin and chaos"
A busy weekend started with a campaign in Pensacola, Florida on July 21. Just like we had experienced before, Floridians showed their support for the unborn with lots of honks. Next, the TFP tour for the unborn will return to New Orleans, Louisiana to continue our crusade.
After Sunday Mass, TFP volunteers drove to the National Shine of Our Lady of Prompt Succor to visit Our Lady’s miraculous statue, beseeching her to save our country from the scourge of abortion. After spiritually preparing for the day, we headed in to the city’s oldest neighborhood: the French Quarter.
The TFP standard and large banner blew in the breeze under sunny skies in front of Saint Louis Cathedral. This contrasted greatly with seedy palm readers and jazz bands lining the street. While some volunteers handed out pro-life flyers, 10 Reasons to Protect the Unborn, others prayed the rosary and shouted slogans:
Shocking Pro-Abortion Mindset
It is interesting to see what abortion advocates really believe. During the campaign we got to see this. One man on a bicycle rejected the flyer then stopped and started debating with the two TFP volunteers.
The man declared that he was pro-abortion and spoke mostly about teen pregnancies. One the volunteers ask him, "Is it just for a child to be killed for the mistake of its parents?" To which he responded, “Yes. I am a result of a teen pregnancy and my early childhood was miserable. I wish I had been aborted.” The TFP member then asked if he thought murder was fine. The man skirted the question, going off on a tangent. After repeatedly being asked the same question the man finally said, “I see many people who walk the streets who I think aren’t fit to live. Yes, I think murder is okay.” With that, the discussion ended. Before riding away, however, the man pointed at the two TFP volunteers and said, “Here are two abortions that should have happened.”
When offered a flyer, a pro-abortion woman said that she wished that we would have been aborted. Some unhinged liberals took the flyers and threw them in the trash while others spouted profanities. Despite these negative reactions, however, there were many who showed their support for what we were doing.
"Glimmer of hope in the midst of all the sin"
Multiple times, people came up to our volunteers and profusely thanked them for standing up for the unborn. A deacon from Odessa, Texas, who was in New Orleans for a conference of deacons, gave words of encouragement and told us to “keep up the good work.” This sentiment was shared by many passers-by.
A Catholic deacon from North Carolina who was also in New Orleans for the conference said, “I was walking through the streets of New Orleans. I was overwhelmed by all the sin and chaos here and then I saw you praying the rosary. It was a glimmer of hope in the midst of all the sin and chaos.”
As the caravan for the unborn continues to push forward, please pray that it continue being a beacon of hope to those who would be discouraged in a world where sin seems to reign supreme and people believe that murder, inside or outside the womb, is something that can be condoned.
Our Lady of Victory, pray for us!
Give us your best pro-life comeback
How would you answer this pro-abortion lie: "It's not a baby, just a clump of cells. So abortion is just fine."
Please post your answer in the comments section below.
God bless you!