Aug 07, 2024 Print this article

Catholics Protest Fr. James Martin’s Latest Pro-LGBT Push

Why did Pope Francis and Cardinal Wilton Gregory support a pro-homosexual conference?

Dozens of faithful Catholics held a peaceful protest outside Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., on August 3, 2024. With rosaries in hand, standing shoulder to shoulder, they denounced Fr. James Martin’s most recent summit, designed to normalize unnatural sin within the Catholic Church.

In addition, 22,502 souls signed a petition urging the Archbishop of Washington to avert the scandalous conference.

Nevertheless, from August 2-4, the Jesuit university hosted Fr. Martin’s pro-homosexual event called “Outreach 2024: LGBTQ Catholic Ministry Conference.” The summit gathered dissident voices that contradict 2,000 years of Catholic moral teaching, twist the truth of the Bible, and subvert God’s natural law.

Fr. James Martin causes scandal
TFP volunteer's sign: "Fr. Martin's pro-LGBT views cause scandal."

Opposing Fr. James Martin's Homoheresy

“Fr. Martin’s track record is scandalous, blasphemous, and sacrilegious,” said John Ritchie, director of TFP Student Action, who led the protest at Georgetown University on Saturday.

“True shepherds never promote sin, never wave pride flags, never bless sinful same-sex pairs, or favor gender ideology for innocent children. Only wolves do that,” Ritchie said. “Faithful Catholics have a lot of unanswered questions about Fr. Martin. They want to know why he’s allowed to harm souls with confusion, error, and homoheresy. Why hasn’t he been excommunicated?”

“Those of us who had the privilege of standing at the gates of Georgetown echoed 2,000 years of Church teaching. You can’t be in better company,” said Ritchie. “All the Apostles, every Doctor and Father of the Church, every holy theologian, every saintly Pope in history affirmed the same truth: unnatural vice is a grave sin.”

Truth vs. Sin

The holiness contained in the name Catholic and the immoral agenda of the LGBT acronym don’t fit in the same sentence. Because virtue and vice do not coexist in harmony. However, the Georgetown conference included speakers who sully the sacred with the blasphemous.

Fr. William Hart McNichols was one of the keynote speakers at “Outreach 2024.” A self-described homosexual, he produced “artwork” that directly attacks Our Lord Jesus Christ under the title “AIDS Crucifixion,” which portrays a grotesque and blasphemous Christ-like figure. The traditional inscription above the Cross is gone. In its place is a list of filthy words against Our Lord referencing homosexuality.

Another keynote speaker was Dr. Amy-Jill Levine, a non-Catholic, pro-homosexual feminist, professor of Biblical studies, and a Planned Parenthood donor. Her “scholarship” fits Fr. Martin’s agenda as she claims the Bible doesn’t condemn homosexuality.

Purity yes. Lust no.
TFP message to Jesuit Georgetown: "Purity yes. Lust no."

Pope Francis Supports Fr. Martin

Before the pro-homosexual conference started, Pope Francis sent a handwritten note to its organizer, Fr. James Martin, S.J. In his letter, the pontiff warmly assures the “rainbow Jesuit” that he would be “united in prayer” with the event.

“I am glad that Cardinal Gregory will celebrate the Mass,” wrote Pope Francis. “I will be spiritually with him and with all of you, united in prayer.”

Adding to the confusion, Cardinal Wilton Gregory, Archbishop of Washington, celebrated the Mass for the pro-LGBT gathering. Given the tone of the conference, it is probable that the Blessed Sacrament was given sacrilegiously to unrepentant sinners living in same-sex unions.

Fr. Martin Shuns Catholic Morals

Skimming the titles of the talks offered at “Outreach 2024” signals a clear departure from Catholic morality. For example, how does “LGBTQ Ministry in Parishes” win souls for Christ? The agenda does not mention vital Catholic terms such as conversion, confession, and repentance. However, lecture topics do feature “Transgender Catholics” and “Parenting LGTBQ Children.”

Moreover, the list of event sponsors appears to validate homosexual “marriage” with a mention of “Mr. Jim O’Connor in loving memory of his husband Mr. Carlos Cuartas.”

TFP protests Fr. Martin at Georgetown
Dozens of Catholics gathered to pray the rosary in reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Rosary and Peaceful Protest

In the face of so much confusion encouraged by progressive members of the hierarchy and clergy, volunteers of the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) and local Catholics prayerfully protested.

At the gates of the oldest Catholic university in America, they held signs, banners, and rosaries to express their love for and fidelity to the perennial teachings of the Holy Catholic Church. On the public sidewalk, they gathered around a beautiful statue of Our Lady of Fatima, who called the world to prayer, penance, reparation, and conversion.

The Hail Marys of the rosary echoed across the Jesuit campus. At intervals, a TFP Student Action bagpiper played Marian hymns.

The repetition of the Angelic Salutation unnerved some of the pro-LGBT conference goers who passed by on their lunch break. Some cursed. Others made vulgar gestures.

But many supported the TFP protest. Some made the sign of the Cross as they passed the statue of Our Lady. “This is fantastic,” said one student. “I love the bagpipes.”

Resist the Rainbow Revolution

Why do Pope Francis and Cardinal Gregory favor the rainbow revolution inside the Church?

The Breached Dam: The Fiducia Supplicans Surrender to the Homosexual Movement offers readers the full answer.

The TFP book unmasks the Homoheresy harming souls and has an incisive foreword by the Most Rev. Rob Mutsaerts. For decades, the smoke of Satan has slowly infiltrated the Church, subverting and distorting the truth as Fr. Martin does.

Faithful Catholics must resist the rainbow revolution inside the Church and boldly uphold Church teaching. Our Lord’s promise should give us great courage and confidence to face the raging storm now assaulting the Barque of Peter, because “the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” (Matt 16:18).