Victory: Pro-Abortion “Papaya Workshop” Moved Off Georgetown Campus
H*yas for Choice, an active yet unofficial pro-abortion group at Georgetown University, announced that they would be hosting a “Papaya Workshop” on campus. The workshop which typically teaches students how to perform Manual Vacuum Aspiration abortions was scheduled to take place on January 22, 2020.
Alarm bells rang, however. On January 20, TFP Student Action launched a last-minute petition asking Georgetown president Dr. John DeGioia to stop the pro-abortion event from taking place on the oldest Catholic university in America. In two days, nearly 19,000 signatures accumulated. Faithful Catholics wrote and called the university in droves. The respectful concern of thousands of college students and parents was impossible to ignore.
Under the barrage of peaceful protest, Georgetown officials acted. “Consistent with our Catholic and Jesuit identity,” a university spokesman told The College Fix, “Georgetown University does not support or allow for the demonstration or training of abortion procedures in any classroom or reservable space on our campus.”
Once again, peaceful protest proved to be effective.
After the pro-abortion workshop was shut down, H*yas for Choice lamented with a Facebook post: “Georgetown revoked our room reserveration (sic) for this event and told us explicitly we are unable to hold our Papaya workshop in any University classroom.”
However, the pro-abortion event was apparently held off campus at Advocates for Youth headquarters in Washington, D.C.
Reproductive Health Access Project was listed as a sponsor of the “Papaya Workshop,” which a previous attendee had described in these terms:
“The workshop is a great way to help normalize abortion. Something I kept hearing people say after the workshop was, ‘That’s it?’ And I thought, ‘Exactly! That’s it!’ Abortion doesn’t have to be a big scary thing that we shouldn’t talk about. It takes less equipment (and electricity) than a root canal. Having that hands-on experience is a great tool for anyone who believes in reproductive freedom.”
“We’re so glad Georgetown stopped the Papaya Workshop,” said TFP Student Action Director John Richie. “It’s a baby-step in the right direction, but more should be done to restore Catholic morality on campus. Catholic students are still waiting for Georgetown to shut down H*yas for Choice, the radical pro-abortion group that promotes abortion, contraception and homosexual sin on a daily basis.”
“H*yas for Choice hides behind its ‘unofficial’ club status to undermine and attack Catholic teaching from within,” Ritchie continued. “Why is the abortion advocacy group allowed to setup a table and distribute contraceptives on a daily basis?”
TFP Student Action would like to thank you and everyone who joined the prayerful petition to stop the Papaya Workshop at Georgetown University. May God bless you for speaking up in defense of the unborn and for defending the perennial moral teaching of the Holy Catholic Church.
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