Tell Georgetown to Cancel “Papaya Workshop” that Teaches Students How to Abort Babies With a Vacuum
- January 20, 2020

Victory Update on Jan. 23, 2020
Because of your peaceful protest, the abortion workshop was moved off Georgetown's campus yesterday. Your voice was heard and it made a big difference for the unborn. Thank you. God bless you all!
Catholic Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. is allowing a pro-abortion group to host a “Papaya Workshop” on campus.
Every pro-lifer should urge the university to cancel the event.
According to H*yas for Choice, an abortion provider with the Reproductive Health Access Project will lead the hands-on “Papaya Workshop” and demonstrate how Manual Vacuum Aspiration abortions are performed.
“Demystifying Manual Vacuum Abortions with an Abortion Provider and Papaya Demonstration,” reads the announcement for the event scheduled on January 22, 2020 at Georgetown’s Intercultural Center (ICC) building.
Which begs the question: How can a Catholic university such as Georgetown allow this event on campus? It normalizes the murder of innocent and defenseless unborn babies.
Please join TFP Student Action in peaceful protest. Sign and share this petition.
God bless you.
Please be polite yet firm in your communications:
Dr. John J. DeGioia
President, Georgetown University
3700 O St., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20057
Phone: (202) 687-4134
Fax: (202) 687-6660
Chief of staff, Joseph A. Ferrara: