News - John Ritchie
Holy Cross Magazine promotes same-sex sin.
Among 500,000 women, not one lady could be found.
God always! -- Satan never!
Come and join the prayerful rally of reparation.
With Oklahoma City's apparent stamp of approval, satanists were granted permission to hold a public sacrilege in front of St. Joseph Old Cathedral on Christmas Eve, December 24, 2015.
How can the media ignore this?
Why is a Catholic institution hosting two famous pro-abortion activists, Gloria Steinem and Bell Hooks, who attack Catholic moral teaching?
Today, TFP volunteers campaigned near the Cajun Dome at Congress and Bertrand, one of the busiest intersections in Lafayette, Louisiana. Once again the support witnessed for traditional marriage was really splendid.
Professor Hornbeck uses his privileged teaching perch to actively undermine Church teaching.