Mar 14, 2016 Print this article

Catholic College to Welcome Two Pro-abortion Activists, Bell Hooks & Gloria Steinem


Why is a Catholic institution hosting two famous pro-abortion activists, Gloria Steinem and Bell Hooks, who attack Catholic moral teaching?

TFP Student Action recently launched a national petition that respectfully urges St. Norbert College to cancel its invitation to pro-abortion promoter Gloria Steinem to speak on campus next semester on April 21. The petition has already garnered more than 14,000 pro-life signatures.

The urgency of the petition has only increased because pro-abortion activists Bell Hooks will also be speaking at St. Norbert College. The college located in De Pere, Wisconsin announced that Bell Hooks will be hosted on campus for a "week-long residency" from April 20-24, 2015 sponsored by the Cassandra Voss Center.

Never mind the proverbial wolf disguised in sheep's clothing. These two pro-abortion speakers are simply wolves in wolves' clothing, seeking to destroy and undermine the truth.

In her public talks and prolific writing, Bell Hooks is a strident advocate of abortion, assisted suicide, homosexual vice, radical feminism, and outdated Marxist-communist class struggle. In her book, Feminism is for Everybody, for instance, she clearly mocks the moral teaching of the Catholic Church:

Pro-abortion Bell Hooks:

"And we were clear that there could be no genuine sexual liberation for women and men without better, safer contraceptives -- without the right to a safe, legal abortion." (page 26)

"Women of all classes must continue to make abortions safe, legal, and affordable."(page 28)

"Granting women the civil right to have control over our bodies is a basic feminist principle. Whether an individual female should have an abortion is purely a matter of choice.... But it is a feminist principle that women should have the right to choose [abortion]." (page 114)

Pro-homosexual Bell Hooks:

"I was an advocate of gay rights long before I knew the word feminism." (page 94

"Lesbian women inspired me from childhood on to claim the space of my own self-definition." (page 95)

"Without radical lesbian input feminist theory and practice would never have dared to push against the boundaries of heterosexism to create spaces where women, all women, irrespective of their sexual identity and/ or preference, could and can be as free as they want to be. This legacy should be continually acknowledged and cherished." (page 99)

"Embedded in conservative feminist critique of lesbian sadomasochism was an underlying homophobia. Whenever any woman acts as though lesbians must always follow rigid moral standards to be deemed acceptable or to make straight people feel comfortable, they are perpetuating homophobia." (page 98)

Promoter of racial discord, Bell Hooks, wrote:

“It is difficult not to hear in standard English always the sound of slaughter and conquest” and “I am writing this essay sitting beside an anonymous white male that I long to murder.”(Human Events, 02-21-2006)

In April of this year, Hooks was a guest speaker at St. Norbert College. On that occasion, she harangued students and faculty, encouraging them to embrace leftist ideology: "Why is nobody saying that patriarchy is evil and violent and cruel? [applause] .... Why is no one willing to pinpoint patriarchy as the problem?" (St. Norbert College, April 2014)

Pro-assisted suicide:

"One of my big issues," Hooks continued, "is I feel we should be able to have assisted death. I think it is a feminist issue. I hope feminist thinkers will begin to put more elder care and gender relationship of elder care on the table, and the question of physician assisted death."

Bell Hooks is anti-Catholic:

Mocking those who follow Church teaching regarding the immorality of unnatural vice, she said: "I think we need some serious mental health therapy for a lot of Christians."

Enough is enough.

Mr. Thomas Kunzel, President
St. Norbert College
1527 Fox Ridge Court
De Pere, WI 54115
Office: (920) 403-3165
Home: (920) 632-7485

Abbot Gary Neville
Abbot of St. Norbert Abbey (order responsible for St. Norbert College)
1016 N. Broadway
De Pere, WI 54115
Phone: (920) 337-4300