Victory: "Church" of Lucifer CLOSED Down
Prayers answered. Protest worked.
Boy Scouts Allow Girls to Pose as Boys with New Transgender Policy
The Boy Scouts have turned their back on God. Join the protest.
2017 March for Life: A New Era in the Fight to End Abortion
Young pro-life Americans stormed Washington, D.C. in defense of the unborn.
What I Saw at the Women's March: Vulgarity Everywhere
Among 500,000 women, not one lady could be found.
Pro-Life VICTORY at Georgetown
The pro-abortion club called Medical Students for Choice was removed from Georgetown University's web site.
Catholic Campus Allows Club that Trains 'Tomorrow’s Abortion Providers'
Join the protest today. Medical Students for Choice don't belong on any Catholic college.
Satan Club for Children Opens at School Amid Strong Opposition
God always! -- Satan never!
Exposing the Lies of Gender Theory at Penn State University
Giving students the right arguments to defend the truth on campus.
Teachers and Parents Encourage Children to Promote Homosexuality
Why are schools allowing the promotion of immoral lifestyles. Is this the new normal?