Boy Scouts Allow Girls to Pose as Boys with New Transgender Policy
“On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country… to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.”
This quote from the original Boy Scout Oath composed by Robert Baden-Powell in 1908 has been rendered meaningless.
On January 30, the once-respected Boy Scouts of America announced that they will now accept transgender boys (girls who call themselves boys) into the Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts, a further capitulation to the sexual revolution and political correctness which denies the biological reality of male and female.
[ Send your protest to the Boy Scouts HERE ]
The ungodly decision comes after two previous capitulations: the decision in 2013 to allow open homosexuals into the ranks of the Scouts and the acceptance of homosexual scout leaders in 2015.
Boy Scouts of America issued the following pro-transgender statement:
“For more than 100 years, the Boy Scouts of America, along with schools, youth sports and other youth organizations, have ultimately deferred to the information on an individual’s birth certificate to determine eligibility for our single-gender programs. However, that approach is no longer sufficient as communities and state laws are interpreting gender identity differently, and these laws vary widely from state to state.”
How can the Scouts allow open homosexuals into their ranks and favor the biological denial that is transgenderism while still remaining "morally straight" and faithful to God?
It can't.
Moreover, the Boy Scouts' pro-transgender decision constitutes a tragic departure from the integrity and principles which made the organization a wholesome institution for young men. As a result, many American families are turning elsewhere to find institutions that will foster moral courage and manly uprightness. True manliness is the courage to stand true to principles, especially under pressure.
Since 2013, when the Scouts turned their back on God, families have been pulling their sons out of the organization. And other scouting groups with higher moral standards have been formed such as Trail Life and the Troops of Saint George. TFP Student Action has also expanded its Call to Chivalry camps for Catholic boys.
May God protect our boys from the pro-homosexual movement.