Oct 22, 2024 Print this article

How Saving Lives Infuriates Woke Students


“If they don’t provide value, then their caretakers could reasonably kill them,” said the pro-abortion student at Franklin & Marshall College.

A van-load of volunteers with the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property (TFP) went to Franklin & Marshall College in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, on September 30 to promote the right to life and challenge the lies of the abortion movement.

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Pro-Life Crusade on Campus

TFP Student Action volunteers set up on Harrisburg Pike, displaying signs and banners and giving out “10 Reasons to Defend the Unborn” flyers. Their pro-life crusade caught the attention of students and drivers.

“I’ve seen you on YouTube. Thank you so much for being here!” said one sophomore. Another student said, “This campus is so liberal: finally, someone has the courage to stand up for the babies.”

Hundreds of vehicles honked their horns in approval, and one driver made a financial contribution on the spot.

However, pro-life views are persecuted on campus. “[The liberals] have tried to stop us and even sent death threats,” said one student. “But we’re still here! Glad you’re here, too!”

Abortion Is 100% Immoral

One student wanted to know: Is abortion justifiable if the mother’s life is in danger? A TFP volunteer explained that a doctor could deliver a baby early but must also do everything he can to save the child. Even in difficult cases, direct abortion is never a moral option.

Later in the day, a handful of pro-abortion students formed a counter-protest. One feminist woman held a sign saying, “No Uterus! No Opinion!” Next to her, however, stood a man with a pro-abortion sign, which only highlighted the contradiction of the abortion movement.

Another pro-abortion student said unborn children “don’t provide value” to society. Attempting to jump-start his conscience, a TFP volunteer insisted that disabled people’s lives should be protected. But the calloused liberal said: “If they don’t provide value, then their caretakers could reasonably kill them.”

Although the pro-abortion counter-protest tried to garner honks for themselves, they received very few. In contrast, the TFP received hundreds of honks in the same time-frame. The difference was so noticeable that the pro-abortion students begrudgingly admitted that TFP volunteers looked happy and had nothing but smiles.

The Truth Matters

Other debates centered on the beginning of life: conception. Pro-abortionists argue that life doesn’t begin at conception but at a random point in pregnancy that varies depending on the abortionist you talk to (relativism). Another view among abortion advocates is the claim that death is better than life when living might include suffering and hardship.

This neo-pagan worldview is antithetical to Christianity, which understands the value of the Cross in this valley of tears. At the same time, Catholics find profound meaning and joy in suffering because their little crosses can be united to the infinite and redemptive suffering of Our Lord on the Cross.

If abortionists attack the right to life inside the womb, what will stop them from attacking the right to life outside the womb? Assisted suicide policies in Canada and Europe have already announced the next goal of the culture of death.

May God convert America!

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