Blog - Transgenderism
Toy Company Mattel Leads Assault on Children with Gender Neutral Dolls -- Join Protest
Mattel, Inc. is harming children with transgender toys.
Catholic School Hires “Queer” and “Non-Binary” Dance Teacher (Please Protest)
Children should be protected from the errors of "gender theory."
Loyola University Chicago Bows to Transgender Tyranny with New Policy
What would Saint Ignatius of Loyola say?
Abortion Debate: Why Do Liberals Hate the Right to Life?
Pro-life vs. pro-abortion debate on video.
Pro-Transgender Advocate Attacks a Statue of the Virgin Mary, Gets Arrested
The attacker was arrested. Watch the video.
"Drag Queen Story Time" Postponed Indefinitely Because of Protest
Yes, peaceful protest works.
Fighting Back Against the Drag Queen Story Hour
Transgender movement targets kids.
Texans Say NO to Indecent Drag Queen Storytime for Toddlers
Has society sunk lower than Sodom and Gomorrah?