Loyola University Chicago Bows to Transgender Tyranny with New Policy
“When society, and the church, can no longer recognize the truth, we are in trouble.” -- concerned parent
Over 500 years ago, Saint Ignatius of Loyola formed the Society of Jesus to be warriors who defended the truth of the Catholic Faith, even unto death. For centuries, his spiritual sons converted thousands, engaged in polemics against heresy and much more. Sadly, in our days, it appears that the Jesuit Order is falling away from their original mission.
According to an article in the Loyola Phoenix, a student newspaper, Loyola University Chicago has decided to pinch incense at the altar of gender theory. No longer are students bound to be referred to by their legal names, as in the past. Now, “preferred names” are in vogue. This departure from biological reality is not only restricted to the classroom, as the policy change also allows students to set their preferred names on the university website's registration portal, which in turn modifies their name on “class and grade rosters, the Outlook email system and Sakai, Loyola’s online classroom resource.”
What's more, the list of affected documents is set to expand in the future.
Although Loyola students’ ID cards are set to reflect preferred names, the university was reportedly unable to circumvent the necessity of using legal names for documents such as tax forms, paychecks and transcripts.
The decision to adopt a transgender-affirming policy at the Catholic campus was made by the Office of the Dean of Students. As expected, the policy was promoted by the university's “transgender population.” A group called GUESS or the Gender Understanding Exploration Support Society worked with the university administrators for some time to get this and other pro-gender theory policies enacted.
Instead of conforming to Catholic morality, Dean of Students Dr. Will Rodriguez stated that the implementation of preferred names was only one step among others to make the university align with gender theory. The perennial teachings of the Catholic Church are regarded as a “roadblocks” to be removed as Jesuit institutions nationwide fall in lockstep with the cutting edge of the sexual revolution: transgender tyranny. Two other Jesuit universities – Georgetown University and the University of San Francisco – have already adopted similar pro-transgender policies.
However, faithful Catholic parents who want the best for their children are shocked by Loyola’s decision.
“When society, and the church, can no longer recognize the truth, we are in trouble,” said one parent who contacted TFP Student Action. “As a parent of an 18 year old who is at Loyola, I am concerned about what she is exposed to. She has called home concerned about what she hears in classes and homilies at mass. I am glad she is willing to question what she hears, to recognize that the truth may not be taught there. And to search for the truth. I can only hope her faith remains strong and is not lost in the lies.”
“When a man can now give birth to a baby (a woman who identifies as a transgender woman) and we celebrate that as progress, we are fooling ourselves, fooling society, fooling the woman and fooling her child,” continued the concerned parent. “Foolishness and wisdom are opposites.”
Anyone who does not bow to the transgender tyranny is a potential target. For that reason the parent whose child is enrolled at Loyola requested to go unnamed.
“I would prefer to remain anonymous, if you use any of this,” he explained. “And that is because of the intolerance and danger to me, my career and my daughter. That fear says something about the lack of openness to others, and openness to the truth. The truth that a man cannot be a woman, and woman cannot be a man.”
This parent’s distress is shared by many Catholic parents who are forced to watch the distortion of moral values at institutions associated with the glorious legacy of Saint Ignatius of Loyola.
How much longer will Loyola continue to refer to itself as a Catholic institution while defiantly contradicting Church teaching?
Contact Loyola with your concern (Please be polite yet firm):
Dr. Jo Ann Rooney
President, Loyola University Chicago
Lewis Towers - Suite 1500
820 N. Michigan Avenue
Chicago, IL 60611
Email: president@luc.edu
Phone: 312-915-6400
Fax: 312-915-6414