Blog - Ambiences, Customs & Civilizations

Two Ideals: Law and the Machine

The Coliseum in Rome expresses the nobility, dignity, and power of the Roman Empire and the memory of the martyrs. A modern arena: neo-pagan materialism.

Is the Guardian Angel Less Intelligent than the Devil?

In art, devils are usually represented as cunning, astute, shrewd, intelligent, and agile while the good angels are portrayed as weak, effeminate, and soft.

Being Modern: Apostasy or Sacred Obligation?

Modern art can be defined as "materialistic thought transposed into art." It finds pleasure solely in horizons without beauty, nobility, and life.

Doctrine and Art: A Connection that the Communists Understand

Doctrinal systems such as Communism, Marxism, fascism, Nazism, and Liberalism produce corresponding styles of art that are consistent with their worldview.

Dignity and Distinction for both Great and Small

For both great and small, there is a just and honorable place in Christian civilization. This can be seen in traditional dress and uniforms.

The Machine, Crude and Deformed Idol of a Materialistic World

The idolatry of the machine, which modern man places above all other fields of human endeavor and knowledge, has led to the mechanization of everything, even God.

Catholic Universality and Pagan Internationalism

Unlike neo-pagan modernism, the Catholic spirit is truly universal.

Equalizing Everything: A Mania, Not a Necessity

Horseback riding is a field where, for the sake of "practicality" and "safety," the differences between men and women have been erased in the name of "equality."

Sacred Art and Naturalism

The Hall of Mirrors in Versailles is a marvel of beauty, proportion, and harmony, yet it also reflects a Naturalism and flight from the cross of Christ.

Can Only Sacred Art Be Christian?

The Christian soul is not only expressed by religious images and symbols in churches, but is also found in ambiences where one may imbibe the Christian spirit.

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