Satanists and Pro-Abortion Students Join Hands to Attack God
On Monday, October 2, TFP Student Action volunteers set out for an anti-abortion campaign at Millersville University, a campus located near Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
Once the TFP standard was raised, as well as our banner reading “Pray the Rosary to End Abortion,” all heads turned as we prayed three Hail Marys on the sidewalk. The pro-life campaign started well.
Students were not only receptive but visibly happy to receive our 10 Reasons to Protect the Unborn leaflet. Their eagerness to know more was encouraging, irking those who endorse the culture of death, which might explain what happened next.
Watch the amazing video.
Satanism and Abortion Hand in Hand
Abortion is a hot issue, and debates are expected.
TFP volunteer: “You say you're pro-choice. Does the baby get a choice?”
Pro-abortion student: “I can’t hear you over your white privilege.”
TFP volunteer: “I thought we are supposed to be tolerant?”
Pro-abortion student: “We don’t tolerate bigotry!”
But this time the pro-abortion students who started gathering had a different appearance: face piercings, pentagrams, Satanic symbols, and explicit language. Like never before, we witnessed how pro-sin movements are uniting with Satanism.
"Your group [TFP] is polite and respectful," observed one student, "but I was inside the building and I heard them screaming against you. It was terrible."
As time advanced, the pro-abortion protest formed and grew. Their screaming became louder and more sordid. They chanted: “If you have no uterus, you should have no opinion!” implying that men cannot oppose abortion, although the men in their group were apparently free to express their pro-abortion views.
Then something unusual happened. They screamed “Love Satan!” as they shivered with rage.
Meanwhile, TFP volunteers prayed to Saint Michael.
A young woman in their midst screamed, “I can’t wait to have my next abortion!”
Finally, a TFP bagpiper intoned God Bless America. All TFP volunteers joined in, singing. But as soon as the first notes rang out, a pro-abortion student across the street said, “Hey! They're playing the Nazi national anthem!” To which the liberal side responded with thunderous applause. The sound of God Bless America was too much for them to bear.
Much to our disappointment, a large campus bell tolling 2 o’clock announced the sad news that it was time to pack up for lunch. As we rolled up the banner, several police officers arrived, somewhat shocked by the sight of unhinged pro-abortion students jumping up and down on the sidewalk, making obscene gestures laced with foul curses. The kind officer offered to guard our van while we loaded up. “I don’t want you all to have to go through that madness,” he said, and we thanked him for his service.
God bless all the pro-life students at Millersville University. We also pray for those who protested against us, for their conversion. May they come to know the truth of God’s laws and stop promoting the killing of unborn children.
St. Michael, pray for us!