16-Year-Old ARRESTED for Opposing Pro-Transgender Policy at Catholic School
“The good will be persecuted.” – Our Lady of Fatima
On February 6, 2023, Josh Alexander, 16, was arrested for attending classes at his school, St. Joseph's Catholic High School in Ontario, Canada. Why? Because he opposes the school’s promotion of transgender bathrooms and the use of biologically and grammatically incorrect pronouns.
Please sign your peaceful protest today.
In 2022, Josh became a target of persecution at his school because he vocally believes that God created only two sexes, male and female, and that no one can change their biological sex. He also protested against giving male students access to the girl’s bathrooms at St. Joseph’s. For his actions, Josh was suspended for twenty days.
St. Joseph’s principal, Derek Lennox, told Josh that he could return to school only if he agreed to accept the school’s immoral pro-transgender requirements. Josh would be forced to refer to “transgender” students by their chosen names. And he would be excluded from two classes because “transgender” students in those classes disapproved of Josh’s biologically and morally correct stance.
But Josh refused to cave in.
After Josh made it known that he would not embrace the school’s pro-transgender policy, Principal Lennox refused to let Josh back to St. Joseph’s, claiming that Josh’s presence would be “detrimental to the physical or mental well-being of the pupils.” The Renfrew County Catholic District School Board (RCCDSB) then issued a Trespass Notice against Josh, valid until the end of the school’s first semester, and gave him a second suspension.
Josh’s tried to appeal the suspension but was denied. Nevertheless, Josh informed the School Board that he wished to attend the second semester of classes, without compromising his principles. The School Board responded harshly by suspending Josh for the rest of the school year.
However, when Josh went to school on the first day of the second semester, St. Joseph’s High School arrested him for “trespassing.”
“I have just been arrested and charged at my Catholic highschool [sic] for attending class after being excluded for indicating my intent to adhere to my religious beliefs,” Josh Tweeted.
To justify their actions, the Renfrew County Catholic District School Board wrote an open letter signed by Mark Searson, Director of Education. “We are an inclusive Catholic learning community,” the letter states, “called to love unconditionally and educate hearts and minds in the way of Christ.”
Instead of upholding Catholic morality, however, the school adopts the same radical pro-transgender policy of the Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC), which includes sections such as these:
- “Facilities such as washrooms, change rooms and locker rooms are typically segregated based on sex. Trans people have the right to access these facilities based on their lived gender identity.”
- “A trans person who identifies and lives as a man should have access to the men’s washrooms and change rooms. A trans person who identifies and lives as a woman should have access to the women’s washrooms and change rooms.”
Mr. Searson continues: “…we take a pastoral care approach with our community members who identify within the LGBTQ2S+ community… For some of these [“transgender”] youth, a final decision is made to access the washroom of their lived gender and we walk with them and support them during this process.”
Why is a Catholic school promoting transgenderism for children? And persecuting Josh for believing in God’s biological design for mankind?
To oppose this grave scandal, please join TFP Student Action in protest. Tell Renfrew County Catholic District School Board to STOP persecuting Josh Alexander and cease promoting or favoring transgender tyranny among children.
Your peaceful protest will encourage Josh and others like him to stand strong.
Contact information (please be polite yet firm):
Mr. Mark Searson
Director of Education, Renfrew County Catholic District School Board
Mr. Derek Lennox
Principal, St. Joseph High School
835 First St.
Renfrew, ON K7V 4E1, Canada