News - Anti-blasphemy

Spiritual Warfare in the Heartland: Protesting the Satanic Black Mass in Oklahoma

"Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle..." The familiar prayer was on the lips of faithful Catholics across America for the battle heating up in the heart of the country.

Press Release: More than 215,000 People Say Stop the Satanic Black Mass in Oklahoma City

Oklahoma City, OK -- Sept. 18, 2014: A total of 215,000 people have signed various petitions urging the Civic Center Music Hall located in Oklahoma City to cancel the satanic black mass scheduled on Sept. 21.

Over 70,000 People Say Stop the Satanic Black Mass in Oklahoma

Oklahoma City, OK, Aug. 27, 2014 -- Offending Christians nationwide, the Oklahoma City Civic Center is hosting a public "Black Mass" on September 21.

16 year-old pens letter to Civic Center against Black Mass: 'I won't be stepping foot in there ever again'

​My little sister and I had hoped to attend “The Phantom of the Opera”. That certainly won’t be happening now. I’ve attended so many productions in the past, but rest assured, I won’t be stepping foot in there ever again. Your standards are too low - you don’t deserve my money.​

To Stop the Satanic Black Mass, Call & Write Civic Center's Corporate Sponsors NOW

Write, email and call the following corporations and politely urge them to use their influence with the Civic Center to cancel the scheduled "Black Mass."

Join Public Act of Reparation Against the "Black Mass" at the OKC Civic Center From 5 to 7 PM

Satanists are planning a public "Black Mass" in Oklahoma City on Sept. 21, where they intend to attack God and the Holy Mass.

News Release: Oklahoma City Civic Center OKs Satanic Black Mass: Protest Swells Past 67,000

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, updated on Aug. 22, 2014 -- The long-standing notion that America is "one nation under God" is under attack in Oklahoma City after city officials okayed a satanic black mass at the Civic Center on September 21.

Black Mass Stopped: How God Won at Harvard

​Lucifer lost. God won. What few people thought even remotely possible happened: The "satanic black mass" at Harvard University was unexpectedly canceled on May 12. A grave sacrilege was averted. ​

VIDEO: TV Report on TFP Student Action protest

Fox 25 in Oklahoma City interviewed John Ritchie about TFP Student Action's recent protest against "The Most Fabulous Story Ever Told," a blasphemy to be performed at OCU. See "Bible Play Controversy."

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