Over 70,000 People Say Stop the Satanic Black Mass in Oklahoma

Oklahoma City, OK, Aug. 27, 2014:
Offending Christians nationwide, the Oklahoma City Civic Center is hosting a public "Black Mass" on September 21.
Opposition is mounting from coast to coast. More than 70,000 online petitions have been collected urging the Civic Center to cancel the sacrilegious and obscene "Black Mass" which attacks God and desecrates the true Catholic Mass.
"If the event involved stomping on the Koran, I bet the Civic Center would be calling for tolerance," said TFP Student Action Director, John Ritchie. "But since the Black Mass calls for stomping on the Holy Eucharist, the Civic Center claims the event is 'educational' and deserves a public platform, which happens to be funded with Christian tax-dollars. Shame on the Civic Center. They're misusing the 1st Amendment as a billy club to beat God-loving Americans over the head. It needs to stop."
Last week, Archbishop Paul Coakley of Oklahoma City filed a lawsuit demanding that satanist Adam Daniels return the Consecrated Host he illicitly obtained for the "Black Mass" to its rightful owner, the Catholic Church. The lawsuit was successful and the Host was returned to Archbishop Coakley.
"That was a victory," Ritchie said. "But we must not rest until the whole sacrilege is canceled. Civil leaders in Oklahoma should be encouraged to do the right thing, serve the common good, and cancel the 'Black Mass' altogether.
"Students at Harvard University, Yale, Brown, Cornell, Columbia, Stanford, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and many other institutions of higher learning joined the petition sponsored by TFP Student Action against the "Black Mass" in Oklahoma.
"The public outcry is only growing," Ritchie continued. "The petition will probably hit 100,000 in a few weeks."
"Thousands of college students are really upset about this type of in-your-face satanism. They want America to remain one nation under God. And they want the "Black Mass" to be canceled right away."