March for Life 2022: Fighting for a Post-Roe America without Abortion
Why is the abortion movement so fearful?
Planned Parenthood CEO Alexis Johnson confessed that pro-life gains have set the pro-abortion movement back 150 years. She wonders, “How are we going to channel and rebuild ourselves?”
Watch TFP Student Action's video from the March for Life 2022:
Likewise, NARAL Pro-Choice America president Mini Timmaraju announced her fears: “The constitutional right to abortion faces a terrifying and unprecedented threat. This moment of crisis is the culmination of the anti-choice movement’s decades-long efforts…”
The president of the National Organization for Women, Christian Nunes, also lamented that America is becoming “one of the most restrictive countries when it comes to abortion access.”
Already last year, the pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute warned that that “2021 Is on Track to Become the Most Devastating Antiabortion State Legislative Session in Decades.” The report tallies pro-life gains: “561 abortion restrictions, including 165 abortion bans, introduced across 47 states.”
According to the Guttmacher Institute, “Right-wing ideologues are engaging in a shock and awe campaign against abortion rights…”
These confessions from the other side are heartwarming. They bolster the pro-life movement and demonstrate how the culture war is far from over. Every effort makes an impact. Decades of prayer and perseverance make a difference. Therefore, we should press forward in the noble fight against the sin of abortion with ever more resolve, boldness, and faith.
Marching in Washington, D.C. to End All Abortions
A new sense of hope was palpable at the largest anti-abortion gathering in the nation this year. Indeed, the expectation that the U.S. Supreme Court might finally reverse Roe v. Wade lifted the spirits of pro-life advocates marching at the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C. on January 21, 2022.
As the massive sea of humanity – marked by presence of youth – made its way up Capitol Hill to the steps of the Supreme Court, members of the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property (TFP) marched with red standards flying, and the ever-popular marching band, complete with brass, bagpipes and drums to encourage the crowd.
This year’s March comes amid a flurry of pro-life activity around the country, including a remarkable upswing of local marches from coast to coast.
TFP Student Action members were out in force at this year’s March to distribute a flyer titled “The Day After: What Is Our Dream for a Post-Roe America?” The flyer was warmly received, with thousands and thousands handed out over the course of the day.
“We cannot rest until all fifty states are freed from this moral scourge that stains the nation's honor,” the TFP flyer explains. “A return to order, morality, and God by a post-Roe America will not come by imposing a set of rules (as the left does). It must come by conversion.”
The Future Belongs to God
As America is threatened by enemies both internal and external, we know the great battle before us cannot be won by mere human efforts. Therefore, let us increase our confidence all the more in the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary foretold at Fatima in 1917.
The 50-year struggle to end abortion is far from over, but Roe v. Wade may soon crumble. Abortion activists have every right to be fearful, and above all, they should know that the future belongs to God and to those who fight for His glory on earth.
Viva Cristo Rey!