Apr 29, 2024 Print this article

VIDEO: Pro-Life Signs Get Ripped Down at Jesuit Georgetown

News release:

“I am sad to report that all of my pro-life signs were torn down,” said Jon Paul Fabrizio, a young Catholic who advocates for moral values with TFP Student Action. “I placed the signs on the designated free speech wall at Georgetown University, but every time I put them up, someone rudely tore them down. As a result, all of my signs have been destroyed.”

Watch the video on YouTube.

Although Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., is the oldest Catholic university in the nation, the climate on campus does not favor Catholic teaching or foster respect for the fundamental human right to life.

Recently, three pro-life signs posted in the free speech area known as Red Square were vandalized.

These signs read:

  • "Abortion is a sin."
  • "Real Catholics oppose abortion."
  • "Abortion is not healthcare."

This incident is not the first one, as similar signs put up by Fabrizio, promoting God's marriage and featuring a quote from the Catholic catechism, were also torn down within seconds in the same area last year.

"You would expect a straightforward Catholic message to be accepted on a Catholic campus. But, regrettably, the truth is no longer welcome. If a Planned Parenthood sign or a rainbow flag were removed from the same location, what would be the consequences?" asked Fabrizio.

“Unfortunately, the culture of death has infiltrated even Catholic institutions. But the truth still stands: Being Catholic and pro-abortion is impossible, Fabrizio continued. “Abortion is a grave sin against God because it kills an innocent human person.”

The Catechism of the Catholic Church states: “Human life must be respected and protected absolutely from the moment of conception. From the first moment of his existence, a human being must be recognized as having the rights of a person -- among which is the inviolable right of every innocent being to life.”

Despite the hostile climate on campus, Fabrizio says more students are motivated to restore family values. “The truth is always attractive. And I meet students every day who want to make abortion unthinkable,” he said. “I’m 100% certain that young Catholics who oppose abortion are on the right side of history.”


TFP Student Action (http://www.tfpstudentaction.or...) is a national network of 526,000 Catholic students and concerned parents committed to defending traditional moral values and working to restore Christian Civilization in America.