Peaceful Man Gets Attacked Near Luciferian "Church" (video)
“I don’t feel safe,” is not something you would expect to hear in the idyllic Old Town Spring, Texas. However, that’s exactly what one local said after being violently attacked.
(For the victim's future safety, his full name has been withheld.)
Chuck, father of 3, who lives about 15 minutes from the newly opened Greater Church of Lucifer describes the events surrounding his assault the night before the GCOL’s grand opening on October 30.
"[A] buddy of ours, he’s a Protestant, came over and he wanted to see the Luciferian church, but he didn’t want to go alone – which is understandable. So I volunteered to go over there. We walked across the parking lot, stayed in the parking lot… never went on their side of the street or anything and my friend… wanted to say the Lord’s Prayer. He said it real loud, real clear…”
Those present outside the Luciferian "church" responded to the peaceful prayer with threatening looks. Concerned with their safety and wanting to preserve the peace, Chuck urged his friend to return to the Blue Giraffe, where they had been eating previously.
“After he finished the prayer, I said that’s enough, we need to get out of here," explained Chuck in a video interview. "We were sitting down having a couple of drinks and just relaxing. About 15 – 20 minutes later in come about… somewhere between six and ten pretty big looking guys. I mean some of them [had] tattoos all the way down their arms, rough and tough looking guys… There were two older ladies in there and [the men] started being real loud, yelling profanities. The guy I was with got pretty scared and the ladies were looking over… so I said come on, let’s go out… as soon as I turned around I got punched in the face…”
The assailant, described as being 6’, heavy set and tattooed, ran back in to the Blue Giraffe.
“I didn’t do anything to provoke this assault," said Chuck in the interview.

The police arrived on the scene moments later and asked the victim, “What do you want us to do?”
“Well, I got assaulted, I got punched in the face, is there anything you can do? I’d like to press charges."
“Absolutely no, we can’t do it,” the police officer said.
“I couldn’t believe it.”
In spite of the Greater Church of Lucifer directors’ claims about wanting to coexist, many locals are feeling unsafe around the people they attract.
Numerous comments on Facebook by mothers with children, old-time shoppers and visitors, local residents and businesses in the area, express their dismay at the presence of followers of Lucifer in the Christmas-shopping haven of Old Town Spring.
This historic little enclave of the Houston area, with its Norman Rockwell air, has much of the character of small town America. Why would Lucifer want to open shop on Main Street Spring, next to a Thomas Kinkade Art Gallery or a Victoriana antique store?
Families don't want to bring their children to see Santa and a Nativity scene, and find Lucifer as part of the tour. Many parents and shoppers are saying: “We will never go back there again.” This naturally has many local business owners, Texans and Ten Commandment Americans gravely concerned.
In fact, local citizens presented a petition against the "Church" of Lucifer – signed by some 28,000 people – to the Spring Preservation League and the Harris County Commissioners. The petition was delivered on November 18.
Together with Chuck who was brutally assaulted, many local community members are saying, "I don't feel safe."